Watch Out! Difficult-to-Detect Phishing Attack Can Steal Your Apple ID Password

Can you detect which one of the above screens—asking an iPhone user for iCloud password—is original and which is fake?

Well, you would agree that both screenshots are almost identical, but the pop-up shown in the second image is fake—a perfect phishing attack that can be used to trick even the most careful users on the Internet.

Felix Krause, an iOS developer and founder of Fastlane.Tools,

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Man Jailed 6 Months for Refusing to Give Police his iPhone Passcode

Remember Ramona Fricosu? A Colorado woman was ordered to unlock her encrypted Toshiba laptop while the FBI was investigating alleged mortgage fraud in 2012, but she declined to decrypt the laptop saying that she did not remember the password.

Later th… Continue reading Man Jailed 6 Months for Refusing to Give Police his iPhone Passcode

Phone-Hacking Firm Cellebrite Got Hacked; 900GB Of Data Stolen

The company that sells digital forensics and mobile hacking tools to others has itself been hacked.

Israeli firm Cellebrite, the popular company that provides digital forensics tools and software to help law enforcement access mobile phones in investi… Continue reading Phone-Hacking Firm Cellebrite Got Hacked; 900GB Of Data Stolen

Phone-Hacking Firm Cellebrite Got Hacked; 900GB Of Data Stolen

The company that sells digital forensics and mobile hacking tools to others has itself been hacked.

Israeli firm Cellebrite, the popular company that provides digital forensics tools and software to help law enforcement access mobile phones in investi… Continue reading Phone-Hacking Firm Cellebrite Got Hacked; 900GB Of Data Stolen

FBI Director — “What If Apple Engineers are Kidnapped and Forced to Write (Exploit) Code?”

What If Apple Engineers are Kidnapped and Forced to Write (Exploit) Code?

Exactly this was what FBI Director James Comey asked in the congressional hearing on Tuesday.

The House Judiciary Committee hearing on “The Encryption Tightrope: Balancing … Continue reading FBI Director — “What If Apple Engineers are Kidnapped and Forced to Write (Exploit) Code?”