Watch Out! Difficult-to-Detect Phishing Attack Can Steal Your Apple ID Password

Can you detect which one of the above screens—asking an iPhone user for iCloud password—is original and which is fake?

Well, you would agree that both screenshots are almost identical, but the pop-up shown in the second image is fake—a perfect phishing attack that can be used to trick even the most careful users on the Internet.

Felix Krause, an iOS developer and founder of Fastlane.Tools,

Continue reading Watch Out! Difficult-to-Detect Phishing Attack Can Steal Your Apple ID Password

FBI Admits — It was a ‘Mistake’ to Reset Terrorist’s iCloud Password

Yes, FBI Director James Comey admitted that the investigators made a “mistake” with the San Bernardino investigation during a congressional hearing held by the House Judiciary Committee.

Apple is facing a court order to help the FBI unlock an iPhone… Continue reading FBI Admits — It was a ‘Mistake’ to Reset Terrorist’s iCloud Password