Solar: Context-free, interactive analysis for Solidity

We’re hiring for our Research + Engineering team!  By Aaron Yoo, University of California, Los Angeles As an intern at Trail of Bits, I worked on Solar, a proof-of-concept static analysis framework. Solar is unique because it enables context-free inter… Continue reading Solar: Context-free, interactive analysis for Solidity

Un-bee-lievable Performance: Fast Coverage-guided Fuzzing with Honeybee and Intel Processor Trace

By Allison Husain, UC Berkeley Today, we are releasing an experimental coverage-guided fuzzer called Honeybee that records program control flow using Intel Processor Trace (IPT) technology. Previously, IPT has been scrutinized for severe underperforman… Continue reading Un-bee-lievable Performance: Fast Coverage-guided Fuzzing with Honeybee and Intel Processor Trace

Formal Analysis of the CBC Casper Consensus Algorithm with TLA+

by Anne Ouyang, Piedmont Hills High School, San Jose, CA As a summer intern at Trail of Bits, I used the PlusCal and TLA+ formal specification languages to explore Ethereum’s CBC Casper consensus protocol and its Byzantine fault tolerance. This w… Continue reading Formal Analysis of the CBC Casper Consensus Algorithm with TLA+