How to setup a lab for Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation in Active Directory? [migrated]

I’m setting up a lab environment for unconstrained delegation in Active Directory. I’ve encountered some issues and would appreciate guidance on the correct configuration. Here’s my current setup:
Lab Environment:

Domain Controller (DC01)… Continue reading How to setup a lab for Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation in Active Directory? [migrated]

How to setup a lab for Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation in Active Directory? [migrated]

I’m setting up a lab environment for unconstrained delegation in Active Directory. I’ve encountered some issues and would appreciate guidance on the correct configuration. Here’s my current setup:
Lab Environment:

Domain Controller (DC01)… Continue reading How to setup a lab for Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation in Active Directory? [migrated]

Why is presence of SPN on an account causing Kerberos "failed to decrypt" error (KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED)

I am in a corporate environment with on-premises AD on the domain.
We have an AWS VPC hosting some .Net APIs in IIS – the domain these are in is These APIs are all on the same box.
Some of these .Net APIs make… Continue reading Why is presence of SPN on an account causing Kerberos "failed to decrypt" error (KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED)

PHP embedded within PNG is not executing rather randering in IIS but executes in Apache

I am pentesting a site with all permissions. I have been able to upload a PHP shell embedded within a png image. I have also been able to change the extension of the file like
something.php. So my question is when I run this file in my xam… Continue reading PHP embedded within PNG is not executing rather randering in IIS but executes in Apache

IIS basic authentication uses local users, how should I prevent potential security issues?

I have a IIS website and I need to enable basic authentication on it. With nginx/apache, the authentication database is unrelated to local system, i.e can only be used to do basic auth, can’t log in locally.
I only have one machine so I ha… Continue reading IIS basic authentication uses local users, how should I prevent potential security issues?