PolarProxy Released

I’m very proud to announce the release of PolarProxy today! PolarProxy is a transparent TLS proxy that decrypts and re-encrypts TLS traffic while also generating a PCAP file containing the decrypted traffic. PolarProxy enables you to do lots of things … Continue reading PolarProxy Released

HTTP/2 Will be Automatically Enabled by Default on the Akamai Intelligent Edge Platform

HTTP, the foundation for data communication over the web, wasn’t designed for delivering the rich content that is common in today’s websites. HTTP/2, which represents a major update to the HTTP network protocol, has been introduced to deliver such websites and provides a significant improvement in the performance, security and privacy of today’s web. Continue reading HTTP/2 Will be Automatically Enabled by Default on the Akamai Intelligent Edge Platform

iOS 11 and Exchange 2016/Online: Not Kissing Cousins

Apple released iOS 11 and found that the mail app cannot connect to Exchange Online or Exchange 2016. It’s all to do with HTTP2 connections. Apple tries to connect via ActiveSync but doesn’t do so the way that Exchange likes, or something like that. In any case, maybe now’s the time to consider Outlook for iOS.

The post iOS 11 and Exchange 2016/Online: Not Kissing Cousins appeared first on Petri.

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