Fail to understand how hash length extension might work in real application

I’m trying to understand how the hash length extension might work on real web applications using a hash for MAC.
Especially what I don’t get is, how the application considers the evil forged hash valid.
Let’s say we have an app which sends… Continue reading Fail to understand how hash length extension might work in real application

Is there a way to specify in a table which executables (via locations & hashes) are allowed to run on Debian? [migrated]

I’d like to have a table of executables that are allowed to be run on the machine with everything else not getting executed even when the executable flag is set. For instance via a config file like this:

| command | location … Continue reading Is there a way to specify in a table which executables (via locations & hashes) are allowed to run on Debian? [migrated]

How can the authenticity of releases on GitHub and GitLab be ensured? Can their hashsums change?

To help ensure authenticity of packages some projects on GitHub and on GitLab add hashsums to the descriptions of the release on the Releases page.
Sometimes, at least here, the hashsum are made part of the release’s filename. Sometimes, a… Continue reading How can the authenticity of releases on GitHub and GitLab be ensured? Can their hashsums change?