Having a list of hashes for the same password compromise the security of the password?

An attacker want’s access to a specific account, he doesn’t know the password.

It’s a high entropy password. +128bits
The attacker has the hash for the password (Assuming OWASP suggested bcrypt with cost 12)
The attacker has a list with n… Continue reading Having a list of hashes for the same password compromise the security of the password?

Dynamic format used in John the Ripper jumbo way slower than MDXFind

I’m currently doing some research on a pretty huge list of hashes (approx. 2 millions) and thus I’d like to improve my cracking speed. The hash format is 12 rounds of SHA512(password + salt), which could be written like this: sha512(sha512… Continue reading Dynamic format used in John the Ripper jumbo way slower than MDXFind

What can make unmounted volumes SHA512 hashes differ while mounted volumes content SHA512 hashes are identical?

I am trying to configure Raspberry Pi OS to be read-only.
In theory, both / and /boot are read-only. That being said, I am experiencing a strange discrepancy and can’t figure out what is happening.
I create clones of /boot using dd before … Continue reading What can make unmounted volumes SHA512 hashes differ while mounted volumes content SHA512 hashes are identical?