Akamai’s New ESG Office: A Catalyst for Environmental and Social Progress

We’re proud of the progress Akamai has made in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. From reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% and powering our platform with 50% renewable energy, to the millions invested in STEM education grants for underserved students, giving back to our planet and our communities is a big part of who we are and a key reason for our success as a business. Continue reading Akamai’s New ESG Office: A Catalyst for Environmental and Social Progress

Akamai’s New ESG Office: A Catalyst for Environmental and Social Progress

We’re proud of the progress Akamai has made in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. From reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% and powering our platform with 50% renewable energy, to the millions invested in STEM education gr… Continue reading Akamai’s New ESG Office: A Catalyst for Environmental and Social Progress

Inspiring the Next Generation with DigiGirlz

DigiGirlz is an initiative organized by Microsoft to engage girls in technological education and careers. The initiative, which launched in 2000, consists of two main programs: DigiGirlz Day and High Tech Camp. This program has been a cornerstone of Microsoft’s community engagement for more than 20 years, but this year the events were in jeopardy of being cancelled because of the pandemic. So, what do you do when your passion for helping others meets a challenge? You do what Microsoft does so well — you innovate! Continue reading Inspiring the Next Generation with DigiGirlz

Sustainability Requires Collaboration: Akamai’s Growing Community and Supply Chain Initiatives

Akamai is committed to collaboration that inspires worldwide change. We know it’s not enough to be environmentally conscious solely in our own business. To make a true impact on climate change, we need to use our unique position as a global corporation… Continue reading Sustainability Requires Collaboration: Akamai’s Growing Community and Supply Chain Initiatives

The Importance of Education in Furthering the Sustainability Agenda

Author: Mark Porter, Director, Supply Chain & International Collaboration, Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA)
Mark Porter moved to REBA from Rocky Mountain Institute’s Business Renewables Center (BRC) initiative in March 2019. Mark continues t… Continue reading The Importance of Education in Furthering the Sustainability Agenda

The Importance of Education in Furthering the Sustainability Agenda

Author: Mark Porter, Director, Supply Chain & International Collaboration, Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA)

Mark Porter moved to REBA from Rocky Mountain Institute’s Business Renewables Center (BRC) initiative in March 2019. Mark continues to support the BRC initiative across all areas and grow REBA’s membership. He is developing initiatives to support supply chain engagement and international collaboration between NGOs acting in this space worldwide. Continue reading The Importance of Education in Furthering the Sustainability Agenda

Sustainability Requires Collaboration: Akamai’s Growing Community and Supply Chain Initiatives

Akamai is committed to collaboration that inspires worldwide change. We know it’s not enough to be environmentally conscious solely in our own business. To make a true impact on climate change, we need to use our unique position as a global corporation to encourage our partners to join us in taking sustainable action, participating in community improvement projects, and engaging in climate education. We need to consider the question: "How much more can we do for the betterment of the environment with help from our stakeholders?" Continue reading Sustainability Requires Collaboration: Akamai’s Growing Community and Supply Chain Initiatives

Our ESG Commitment: Investing in a Better World

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are quickly emerging as a key concern for investors. To use a musical analogy, the bow is just resting on the first string, with more notes sure to follow. At Akamai, our ESG instrument is well tuned a… Continue reading Our ESG Commitment: Investing in a Better World

Our ESG Commitment: Investing in a Better World

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are quickly emerging as a key concern for investors. To use a musical analogy, the bow is just resting on the first string, with more notes sure to follow. At Akamai, our ESG instrument is well tuned and ready for the symphony to come, as evidenced by our 2020 Sustainability Report released this week. Continue reading Our ESG Commitment: Investing in a Better World