Latest iOS 12.1.4 Update Patches 2 Zero-Day and FaceTime Bugs

Apple has finally released iOS 12.1.4 software update to patch the terrible Group FaceTime privacy bug that could have allowed an Apple user to call you via the FaceTime video chat service and hear or see you before you even pick up the call without yo… Continue reading Latest iOS 12.1.4 Update Patches 2 Zero-Day and FaceTime Bugs

Black Hat 2018: Google’s Tabriz Talks Complex Security Landscapes

At Black Hat, Google’s Parisa Tabriz discussed how to navigate the complex security environment with long-term thinking and a policy of open collaboration. Continue reading Black Hat 2018: Google’s Tabriz Talks Complex Security Landscapes

New Spectre (Variant 4) CPU Flaw Discovered—Intel, ARM, AMD Affected

Security researchers from Microsoft and Google have discovered a fourth variant of the data-leaking Meltdown-Spectre security flaws impacting modern CPUs in millions of computers, including those marketed by Apple.

Variant 4 comes weeks after German c… Continue reading New Spectre (Variant 4) CPU Flaw Discovered—Intel, ARM, AMD Affected