Google Discloses 20-Year-Old Unpatched Flaw Affecting All Versions of Windows

Update — With this month’s patch Tuesday updates, Microsoft has finally addressed this vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2019-1162, by correcting how the Windows operating system handles calls to Advanced Local Procedure Call (ALPC).

A Google security res… Continue reading Google Discloses 20-Year-Old Unpatched Flaw Affecting All Versions of Windows

Google Researchers Disclose PoCs for 4 Remotely Exploitable iOS Flaws

Google’s cybersecurity researchers have finally disclosed details and proof-of-concept exploits for 4 out of 5 security vulnerabilities that could allow remote attackers to target Apple iOS devices just by sending a maliciously-crafted message over iMe… Continue reading Google Researchers Disclose PoCs for 4 Remotely Exploitable iOS Flaws

Google researcher discovers new type of Windows security weakness

Microsoft will patch a new Windows security bug discovered by Google Project Zero – despite finding no evidence that it poses a threat. Continue reading Google researcher discovers new type of Windows security weakness

Google researcher discovers new type of Windows security weakness

Microsoft will patch a new Windows security bug discovered by Google Project Zero – despite finding no evidence that it poses a threat. Continue reading Google researcher discovers new type of Windows security weakness