US gov says it can break your encryption without a court order

The encryption battle between the FBI and apple is all octopus ink, if you go by what the government says
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The Dangers of Secret Law

Last week, the Department of Justice released 18 new FISC opinions related to Section 702 as part of an EFF FOIA lawsuit. (Of course, they don’t mention EFF or the lawsuit. They make it sound as if it was their idea.) There’s probably a lot in these opinions. In one Kafkaesque ruling, a defendant was denied access to the previous… Continue reading The Dangers of Secret Law

NSA Abandons "About" Searches

Earlier this month, the NSA said that it would no longer conduct "about" searches of bulk communications data. This was the practice of collecting the communications of Americans based on keywords and phrases in the contents of the messages, not based on who they were from or to. The NSA’s own words: After considerable evaluation of the program and available… Continue reading NSA Abandons "About" Searches

NSA collected records of 151m Americans – but wait, didn’t bulk collection stop three years ago?

How did the NSA end up collecting the records of so many people on 2015 when it was only authorized to go after 42 suspected terrorists? Continue reading NSA collected records of 151m Americans – but wait, didn’t bulk collection stop three years ago?

Shadow Brokers leaks show U.S. spies successfully hacked Russian, Iranian targets

The leaked NSA documents and tools published in recent months by the mysterious Shadow Brokers group have provided rare insight into the clandestine digital espionage operations pursued by the spy agency over the past few years, including information on operations aimed at Iran and Russia. Last Friday the rogue group released a new package of NSA files, this time detailing numerous tools designed to break into older versions of Microsoft Windows and a campaign to compromise banking networks in the Middle East. Additional targets were also mentioned one week prior in a separate archive that was largely ignored by most media outlets. Yet the document cache published April 8 provides evidence that the NSA had once launched a series of successful computer-based intrusions against multiple high-profile foreign targets, including the Office of the President of Iran and the Russian Federal Nuclear Center, said two former intelligence officials who spoke to CyberScoop on the condition of […]

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Congress is about to have a really challenging year on cybersecurity

It will be a banner year for cybersecurity debates in Congress — and that isn’t necessarily a good thing, says Michael Bahar, the staff director of the House Intelligence Committee. “We have kicked off the year with a lot going wrong with Russia and its hacking,” he says. While there are multiple probes in the […]

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