5 Risks We Face with E-Voting Technology

Technology brings with it a number of conveniences, but it also opens up opportunities for scammers and hackers to take advantage of people through tech fraud. That crime involves using technology in a variety of possible ways to mislead people, steal … Continue reading 5 Risks We Face with E-Voting Technology

Risks and challenges of an online voting system. Any recent updates?

I’m studying and preparing a document for implementing of an online voting system (internet based system) which can be used for governmental voting purposes. I would like to ask for your advise and suggestions regarding threa… Continue reading Risks and challenges of an online voting system. Any recent updates?

Anonymity of ballots when voting with BYCRYPT hashes

Hello Security Experts!

I am implementing a small web application where users can cast votes. On the one hand, I want ballots to by anonymous. So the username is not stored with the ballot. But on the other hand I want that each user can verify for himself, that his vote was accounted for. So I thought about this process:

When a user casts a vote, then he must enter his password. (Of course his password is never stored directly anywhere!) The backend creates a HASH value of the users password. And only that hash value is stored with the ballot. All ballots are publicly available, including their hashes.

So when a user wants to verify that his vote was accounted for, then he can simply recreate his hash value and look it up in the list of public ballots.

Initially I thought about MD5 but then I found that there are stronger, better Hash algorythm. Now i use BCRYPT.

But the Java implementatin of BCRYPT needs a new seed value everytime you want to hash a password. I found out that JBCRYPT stores the seed together with the hashed password.

=> Is that ok? Is that normal?
=> Could I create one initial seed once, store that and then reuse the same seed value everytime a vote is casted? Or would that be a security risk.

Why do I need that? My functional requirement is a little different than with normal password hashing. When checking a hashed password then you know where to look: Does that specific hash value (at that user) fit the provided password. My requirement is different: The user has a password. When this password is hashed, is the the hash value then contained in a list of hash values.

How can I implement this?

Continue reading Anonymity of ballots when voting with BYCRYPT hashes