Amazon announces a bunch of products aimed at industrial sector

One of the areas that is often left behind when it comes to cloud computing is the industrial sector. That’s because these facilities often have older equipment or proprietary systems that aren’t well suited to the cloud. Amazon wants to change that, and today the company announced a slew of new services at AWS re:Invent […] Continue reading Amazon announces a bunch of products aimed at industrial sector

Akamai Edge Cloud: Scaling IoT, Part 2

IoT has tremendous possibilities to transform our world but will fall short of expectations if the underlying infrastructure cannot support the rapid exchange of massive amounts of information from billions of simultaneous and intermittent connections. Akamai Edge Cloud is designed to enable the potential of IoT by utilizing the deep knowledge we’ve gained operating one of the world’s largest edge networks. Continue reading Akamai Edge Cloud: Scaling IoT, Part 2

Akamai Edge Cloud: Scaling IoT, Part 1

The Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem is an exciting emerging market that is disrupting the way we design infrastructure to support businesses. Smart devices, homes, cities, cars, and automation supporting the Industry 4.0 industrial revolution are all placing new demands on existing internet infrastructure. Gartner estimates that "the enterprise IoT platform market will grow to $7.6 billion in 2024 with a 31% compound annual growth rate (CAGR)." Continue reading Akamai Edge Cloud: Scaling IoT, Part 1

Can Edge Computing Exist Without the Edge? Part 1: The Edge

If the title sounds like a trick question, it really depends on who you ask. Semantically, it seems clear that if you take the "edge" and combine it with "computing" you get edge computing. But if you have been reading headlines, you would be justified in having doubts that the answer is that simple. You may also still be asking the fundamental question, "what is the edge, anyway?" Continue reading Can Edge Computing Exist Without the Edge? Part 1: The Edge

What’s Next in Security

Whenever we talk about what’s next for Akamai’s security portfolio, we clearly want to look at the challenges that are top of mind for our customers — both today and tomorrow. And what a year 2020 has shaped up to be in terms of new challenges for CIS… Continue reading What’s Next in Security

Platform Update Highlights for eCommerce

Akamai’s October Platform Update offers a ton of new features for our customers across all industries. But if you’re an online retailer, you should really be paying attention to improvements to EdgeWorkers and Image & Video Manager, which provide e… Continue reading Platform Update Highlights for eCommerce

Moving to the Edge — An Outlook Into a New Era of Computing

At the end of a busy week of Akamai platform updates, edge computing rises as a critical focus. Akamai has been operating services at the edge for over 20 years, from content and media delivery, app and IoT optimization, to cloud and enterprise securit… Continue reading Moving to the Edge — An Outlook Into a New Era of Computing