Smashing Security #145: Apple and Google willy wave while home assistants spy – DoH!

Apple’s furious with Google over iPhone hacking attacks against Uyghur Muslims in China, DNS-over-HTTPS is good for privacy but makes ISPs angry, and concern over digital assistants listening to our private moments continues to rise.
All this and… Continue reading Smashing Security #145: Apple and Google willy wave while home assistants spy – DoH!

Smashing Security #145: Apple and Google willy wave while home assistants spy – DoH!

Apple’s furious with Google over iPhone hacking attacks against Uyghur Muslims in China, DNS-over-HTTPS is good for privacy but makes ISPs angry, and concern over digital assistants listening to our private moments continues to rise.
All this and… Continue reading Smashing Security #145: Apple and Google willy wave while home assistants spy – DoH!

PolarProxy Released

I’m very proud to announce the release of PolarProxy today! PolarProxy is a transparent TLS proxy that decrypts and re-encrypts TLS traffic while also generating a PCAP file containing the decrypted traffic. PolarProxy enables you to do lots of things … Continue reading PolarProxy Released

Cloudflare Launches Publicly DNS-Over-HTTPS Service

Clouldflare launches DNS-over-HTTPS service called that it says will be a “privacy-first” DNS service for consumers. Continue reading Cloudflare Launches Publicly DNS-Over-HTTPS Service