Hackaday Links: March 1, 2020

Talk about buried treasure: archeologists in Germany have – literally – unearthed a pristine Soviet spy radio, buried for decades outside of Cologne. While searching for artifacts from a Roman empire settlement, the archeologists found a pit containing the Soviet R-394KM transceiver, built in 1987 and apparently buried shortly thereafter …read more

Continue reading Hackaday Links: March 1, 2020

[SANS ISC] My Little DoH Setup

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “My Little DoH Setup“: “DoH”, this 3-letters acronym is a buzzword on the Internet in 2019! It has been implemented in Firefox, Microsoft announced that Windows will support it soon. They are pro & con about encrypting DNS requests in  HTTPS but it’s not the

[The post [SANS ISC] My Little DoH Setup has been first published on /dev/random]

Continue reading [SANS ISC] My Little DoH Setup

Mozilla says ISPs are lying to Congress about encrypted DNS

Mozilla on Friday posted a letter urging Congress to take the broadband industry’s lobbying against encrypted DNS within Firefox and Chrome with a grain of salt. Continue reading Mozilla says ISPs are lying to Congress about encrypted DNS

[SANS ISC] Blocking Firefox DoH with Bind

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Blocking Firefox DoH with Bind“: For a few days, huge debates have started on forums and mailing lists regarding the announce of Mozilla to enable DoH (DNS over HTTPS) by default in its Firefox browser. Since this announcement, Google also scheduled a move

[The post [SANS ISC] Blocking Firefox DoH with Bind has been first published on /dev/random]

Continue reading [SANS ISC] Blocking Firefox DoH with Bind