‘Doctor Who’ eps aired at Christmastime linked to lower death rates

A new study has found a strong association between Doctor Who episodes aired over the festive season – between Christmas and the New Year – and a reduction in mortality rates in the subsequent year. The finding suggests that watching a doctor who is ca… Continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ eps aired at Christmastime linked to lower death rates

Smashing Security #144: Google helps the FBI, Twitter Jack’s hijack, and car data woes

Should Google really be helping the FBI with a bank robbery? What’s the story behind the Twitter CEO claiming there’s a bomb in their offices? And how much does your car really know about you?
And we mourn the loss of Doctor Who legend Terr… Continue reading Smashing Security #144: Google helps the FBI, Twitter Jack’s hijack, and car data woes

This TARDIS Is Bigger On The Inside

A few months ago, YouTube user [Maladroit Modeller] uploaded a video of his model TARDIS from Doctor Who which shows an inside that’s bigger than the outside. Recently, [Maladroit Modeller] posted some pictures and has now uploaded a video showing how it’s done.

The TARDIS model itself is a 3:75 scale “Spin & Fly” model. The case to show everything off is built from foam core and the interior is built from foam core, silver paper, cardboard, styrene and other bits and pieces. There looks like there’s some EL wire being used, too, along with a lot of LEDs.

The …read more

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Smashing Security #085: Doctor Who, Facebook patents, and Bob’s Burgers

Doctor Who’s TARDIS has sprung a data leak, Facebook’s creepy patents are unmasked, and an app to keep women safe on dates has surprising origins.
All this and much much more is discussed in the latest edition of the award-winning “Smashing Security” p… Continue reading Smashing Security #085: Doctor Who, Facebook patents, and Bob’s Burgers

Building A K9 Toy

[James West] has a young Doctor Who fan in the house and wanted to build something that could be played with without worrying about it being bumped and scratched. So, instead of creating a replica, [James] built a simple remote controlled K9 toy for his young fan.

K9 was a companion of the fourth Doctor (played by Tom Baker) in the classic Doctor Who series. He also appeared in several spin-offs. A robotic dog with the infinite knowledge of the TARDIS at hand, as well as a laser, K9 became a favorite among Who fans, especially younger children. [James] wanted …read more

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Building A K9 Toy

[James West] has a young Doctor Who fan in the house and wanted to build something that could be played with without worrying about it being bumped and scratched. So, instead of creating a replica, [James] built a simple remote controlled K9 toy for his young fan.

K9 was a companion of the fourth Doctor (played by Tom Baker) in the classic Doctor Who series. He also appeared in several spin-offs. A robotic dog with the infinite knowledge of the TARDIS at hand, as well as a laser, K9 became a favorite among Who fans, especially younger children. [James] wanted …read more

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Hackaday Links: March 6, 2016

There’s the R2 Builders Club, hundreds of people are building BB-8, but there are a few robots that don’t get enough love from the amateur propsmiths. [Kenneth] just finished up his build of Crow from MST3K. He built Tom Servo a year or so ago and K-9 from Doctor Who. The beautiful thing about building MST3K robots and Doctor Who props is that you’re probably working with a larger budget than the prop department had.

Heathkit’s new website is up. The two products we know about so far – an AM radio kit and a slim jim antenna – can …read more

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