Verify that data submitted by user was produced by my app

I’m designing an app (for PC), that is intended to run on users’ machines and generate a file with some data. The user will then upload the file to the server, and I want to verify that this file has been produced by my app and hasn’t been… Continue reading Verify that data submitted by user was produced by my app

Digital Signature uses private key for encryption, and public key for decryption? [duplicate]

Public key is for encryption, and private key is for decryption in PKIs.
And digital signature employs the PKIs.
How to use a private key for encryption, and using public key for decryption which violate asymmetric cryptography?
from geeks… Continue reading Digital Signature uses private key for encryption, and public key for decryption? [duplicate]

Why should I go to SHA512withRSA signature for my Android apps?

I have an Android 11 device and many of my apps and system apps use MD5withRSA or SHA1withRSA as signature algorithm by default.
Why should I take my apps SHA256withRSA or SHA512withRSA? Are there any advantages, if so what are they? Are t… Continue reading Why should I go to SHA512withRSA signature for my Android apps?

What is the relation between "signature_algorithms" handshake extension and TLS ciphersuite

I am learning TLS handshake and find client/serve will negotiate a cihpersuite during client/server hello.
Usually, the last part of a ciphersuite is a hash algorithm, like SHA256 in ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256. The second part of a ciphersu… Continue reading What is the relation between "signature_algorithms" handshake extension and TLS ciphersuite