toolsmith #115: Volatility Acuity with VolUtility

Yes, we’ve definitely spent our share of toolsmith time on memory analysis tools such as Volatility and Rekall, but for good reason. I contend that memory analysis is fundamentally one of the most important skills you’ll develop and utilize throughout your DFIR career.
By now you should have read The Art of Memory Forensics, if you haven’t, it’s money well spent, consider it an investment.
If there is one complaint, albeit a minor one, that analysts might raise specific to memory forensics tools, it’s that they’re very command-line oriented. While I appreciate this for speed and scripting, there are those among us who prefer a GUI. Who are we to judge? 🙂
Kevin Breen’s (@kevthehermit) VolUtility is a full function web UI for Volatility which fills the gap that’s been on user wishlists for some time now.
When I reached out to Kevin regarding the current state of the project, he offered up a few good tidbits for user awareness.

1. Pull often. The project is still in its early stages and its early life is going to see a lot of tweaks, fixes, and enhancements as he finishes each of them.
2. If there is something that doesn’t work, could be better, or removed, open an issue. Kevin works best when people tell him what they want to see.
3. He’s working with SANS to see VolUtility included in the SIFT distribution, and release a Debian package to make it easier to install. Vagrant and Docker instances are coming soon as well. 

The next two major VolUtility additions are:
1. Pre-Select plugins to run on image import.
2. Image Threat Score.

Notifications recently moved from notification bars to the toolbar, and there is now a right click context menu on the plugin output, which adds new features.


VolUtility installation is well documented on its GitHub site, but for the TLDR readers amongst you, here’s the abbreviated version, step by step. This installation guidance assumes Ubuntu 14.04 LTS where Volatility has not yet been installed, nor have tools such as Git or Pip.
Follow this command set verbatim and you should be up and running in no time:

  1. sudo apt-get install git python-dev python-pip
  2. git clone
  3. cd volatility/
  4. sudo python install
  5. sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv 7F0CEB10
  6. echo “deb trusty/mongodb-org/3.0 multiverse” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.0.list
  7. sudo apt-get update
  8. sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
  9. sudo pip install pymongo pycrypto django virustotal-api distorm3
  10. git clone
  11. cd VolUtility/
  12. ./ runserver

Point your browser to http://localhost:8000 and there you have it.

VolUtility and an Old Friend

I pulled out an old memory image (hiomalvm02.raw) from September 2011’s toolsmith specific to Volatility where we first really explored Volatility, it was version 2.0 back then. 🙂 This memory image will give us the ability to do a quick comparison of our results from 2011 against a fresh run with VolUtility and Volatility 2.5.

VolUtility will ask you for the path to Volatility plugins and the path to the memory image you’d like to analyze. I introduced my plugins path as /home/malman/Downloads/volatility/volatility/plugins.

The image I’d stashed in Downloads as well, the full path being /home/malman/Downloads/HIOMALVM02.raw.

Upon clicking Submit, cats began loading stuffs. If you enjoy this as much as I do, the Help menu allows you to watch the loading page as often as you’d like.

If you notice any issues such as the image load hanging, check your console, it will have captured any errors encountered.
On my first run, I had not yet installed distorm3, the console view allowed me to troubleshoot the issue quickly.

Now down to business. In our 2011 post using this image, I ran imageinfo, connscan, pslist, pstree, and malfind. I also ran cmdline for good measure via VolUtility. Running plugins in VolUtility is as easy as clicking the associated green arrow for each plugin. The results will accumulate on the toolbar and the top of the plugin selection pane, while the raw output for each plugin will appears beneath the plugin selection pane when you select View Output under Actions.

Results were indeed consistent with those from 2011 but enhanced by a few features. Imageinfo yielded WinXPSP3x86 as expected, connscan returned as our evil IP and the associated suspect process ID of 1512. Pslist and pstree then confirmed parent processes and the evil emanated from an ill-conceived click via explorer.exe. If you’d like to export your results, it’s as easy as selecting Export Output from the Action menu. I did so for pstree, as it is that plugin from whom all blessings flow, the results were written to pstree.csv.

We’re reminded that explorer.exe (PID 1512) is the parent for cleansweep.exe (PID 3328) and that cleansweep.exe owns no threads current threads but is likely the original source of pwn. We’re thus reminded to explore (hah!) PID 1512 for information. VolUtility allows you to run commands directly from the Tools Bar, I did so with -f /home/malman/Downloads/HIOMALVM02.raw malfind -p 1512.

Rather than regurgitate malfind results as noted from 2011 (you can review those for yourself), I instead used the VolUtility Tools Bar feature Yara Scan Memory. Be sure to follow Kevin’s Yara installation guidance if you want to use this feature. Also remember to git pull! Kevin updated the Yara capabilities between the time I started this post and when I ran yarascan. Like he said, pull often. There is a yararules folder now in the VolUtility file hierarchy, I added spyeye.yar, as created from Jean-Philippe Teissier’s rule set. Remember, from the September 2011 post, we know that hiomalvm02.raw taken from a system infected with SpyEye. I then selected Yara Scan Memory from the Tools Bar, and pointed to the just added spyeye.yar file.

The results were immediate, and many, as expected.

You can also use String Search / yara rule from the Tools Bar Search Type field to accomplish similar goals, and you can get very granular with you string searches to narrow down results.
Remember that your sessions will persist thanks to VolUtility’s use of MongoDB, so if you pull, then restart VolUtility, you’ll be quickly right back where you left off.

In Closing

VolUtility is a great effort, getting better all the time, and I find its convenience irresistible. Kevin’s doing fine work here, pull down the project, use it, and offer feedback or contributions. It’s a no-brainer for VolUtility to belong in SIFT by default, but as you’ve seen, building it for yourself is straightforward and quick. Add it to your DFIR utility belt today.
As always, ping me via email or Twitter if you have questions: russ at holisticinfosec dot org or @holisticinfosec.


Thanks to Kevin (@kevthehermit) Breen for VolUtility and his feedback for this post. Continue reading toolsmith #115: Volatility Acuity with VolUtility

toolsmith #113: DFIR case management with FIR

#NousSommesUnis #ViveLaFrance

Bonjour! This month we’ll explore Fast Incident Response, or FIR, from CERT Societe Generale, the team responsible for providing information security incident handling and response to cybercrime issues targeting  for Societe Generale. If you’re developing a CERT or incident management team but haven’t yet allocated budget for commercial case management tooling such as DFLabs Incman NG or CO3/Resilient (not endorsements), FIR is an immediate solution for your consideration. It’s a nice quick, easy to deploy fit for any DFIR team in my opinion. It’s built on Django (also one of my favorite movies), the Python Web framework, and leverages virtualenv, a tool to create isolated Python environments.
From their own README: “FIR (Fast Incident Response) is an cybersecurity incident management platform designed with agility and speed in mind. It allows for easy creation, tracking, and reporting of cybersecurity incidents.
FIR is for anyone needing to track cybersecurity incidents (CSIRTs, CERTs, SOCs, etc.). It’s was tailored to suit our needs and our team’s habits, but we put a great deal of effort into making it as generic as possible before releasing it so that other teams around the world may also use it and customize it as they see fit.
I had a quick chat with Gael Muller who said that the story about why they created and open-sourced FIR is on their blog, and that one year later, they do not regret their choice to do the extra work in order to make it FIR generic and release it to the public. “It seems there are plenty of people using and loving it, and we received several contributions, so I guess this is a win/win situation.”
FIR offers a production and development environment, I tested the development version as I ran it from my trusty Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VM test instance.
Installation is easy, follow this abridged course of action as pulled from FIR’s Setting up a development environment guidance:

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-lxml git libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libz-dev
  3. sudo pip install virtualenv
  4. virtualenv env-FIR
  5. source env-FIR/bin/activate
  6. git clone
  7. cd FIR
  8. pip install -r requirements.txt
  9. cp fir/config/installed_apps.txt.sample fir/config/installed_apps.txt (enables the Plugins)
  10. ./ migrate
  11. ./ loaddata incidents/fixtures/seed_data.json
  12. ./ loaddata incidents/fixtures/dev_users.json
  13. ./ runserver

If not in Paris (#jesuisParis), you’ll want to change the timezone for your location of operation, default is Europe/Paris. Make the change in /FIR/for/config/, I converted to America/Los_Angeles as seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Control-C then re-run./ runserver after you update
As you begin to explore the FIR UI you can login as admin/admin or dev/dev, I worked from the admin account (change the password if exposed to any active networks). You’ll likely want to make some changes to create a test bed that is more relevant to your workflows and business requirements. To do so click Admin in the upper right-hand corner of the UI, it’s a hyperlink to as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2

This is one incredibly flexible, highly configurable, user friendly and intuitive application. You’ll find that the demo configuration options are just that, take the time to tune them to what makes sense for your DFIR and security incident management processes. I created test workflows imaging this instance of FIR was dedicated to CERT activities for a consortium of hospitals, we’ll call it Holistic Hospital Alliance. I first modified Business Lines to better align with such a workload. Figure 3 exhibits these options.

Figure 3: Business Lines

Given that we’re imagining response in a medical business scenario, I updated Incident Categories to include IoT and Medical Devices as seen in Figure 4. At teams these are arguably one and the same but imagine all the connected devices now or in the future in a hospital that may not be specifically medical devices.

Figure 4: Incident Categories

I also translated (well, I didn’t, a search engine did) the French Bale Categories to English (glad to share), as seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Bale Categories

The initial Bale Categories are one of the only feature that remains that is specific to CERT Societe Generale. The categories provide correspondence between the incident categories they use every day, and the categories mentioned in the Basel III regulation. As a CERT for financials, they need to be able to report stats using these categories. According to Gael, most people do not use these or even know they exist, as it is only visible in the “Major Incidents” statistics view. Gael thinks it is better if people ignore this as these as they are not very useful for most users.

Now to create a few cases and enjoy the resulting dashboard. I added four events, three of which were incidents, including a Sev 3 malware incident (in FIR a Sev 4 is the highest severtity), a Sev 4 stolen credit card data incident, a Sev 2 vulnerable ICU machine incident, and a Sev 1 vulnerability scanning event as we see in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Dashboard

Numerous editing options await you, including the ability to define you plan of action and incident confidentiality levels, and granularity per unique incident handler (production version). And I’ll bet about now you’re saying “But Russ! What about reporting?” Aye, that’s what the Stats page offers, yearly, quarterly, major incidents and annual comparisons, ready to go. Figure 7 tells the tale.

Figure 7: Stats

You will enjoy FIR, I promise, its easy to use, well conceived, simple to implement, and as free DFIR case management systems go, you really can’t ask for more. Give a go for sure, and if so possessed, contribute to the FIR project. Vive la FIR et bien fait CERT Societe Generale! Merci, Gael Muller.
Ping me via email or Twitter if you have questions: russ at holisticinfosec dot org or @holisticinfosec.

Cheers…until next month. Continue reading toolsmith #113: DFIR case management with FIR

toolsmith #113: DFIR case management with FIR

#NousSommesUnis #ViveLaFrance

Bonjour! This month we’ll explore Fast Incident Response, or FIR, from CERT Societe Generale, the team responsible for providing information security incident handling and response to cybercrime issues targeting  for Societe Generale. If you’re developing a CERT or incident management team but haven’t yet allocated budget for commercial case management tooling such as DFLabs Incman NG or CO3/Resilient (not endorsements), FIR is an immediate solution for your consideration. It’s a nice quick, easy to deploy fit for any DFIR team in my opinion. It’s built on Django (also one of my favorite movies), the Python Web framework, and leverages virtualenv, a tool to create isolated Python environments.
From their own README: “FIR (Fast Incident Response) is an cybersecurity incident management platform designed with agility and speed in mind. It allows for easy creation, tracking, and reporting of cybersecurity incidents.
FIR is for anyone needing to track cybersecurity incidents (CSIRTs, CERTs, SOCs, etc.). It’s was tailored to suit our needs and our team’s habits, but we put a great deal of effort into making it as generic as possible before releasing it so that other teams around the world may also use it and customize it as they see fit.
I had a quick chat with Gael Muller who said that the story about why they created and open-sourced FIR is on their blog, and that one year later, they do not regret their choice to do the extra work in order to make it FIR generic and release it to the public. “It seems there are plenty of people using and loving it, and we received several contributions, so I guess this is a win/win situation.”
FIR offers a production and development environment, I tested the development version as I ran it from my trusty Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VM test instance.
Installation is easy, follow this abridged course of action as pulled from FIR’s Setting up a development environment guidance:

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-lxml git libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libz-dev
  3. sudo pip install virtualenv
  4. virtualenv env-FIR
  5. source env-FIR/bin/activate
  6. git clone
  7. cd FIR
  8. pip install -r requirements.txt
  9. cp fir/config/installed_apps.txt.sample fir/config/installed_apps.txt (enables the Plugins)
  10. ./ migrate
  11. ./ loaddata incidents/fixtures/seed_data.json
  12. ./ loaddata incidents/fixtures/dev_users.json
  13. ./ runserver

If not in Paris (#jesuisParis), you’ll want to change the timezone for your location of operation, default is Europe/Paris. Make the change in /FIR/for/config/, I converted to America/Los_Angeles as seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Control-C then re-run./ runserver after you update
As you begin to explore the FIR UI you can login as admin/admin or dev/dev, I worked from the admin account (change the password if exposed to any active networks). You’ll likely want to make some changes to create a test bed that is more relevant to your workflows and business requirements. To do so click Admin in the upper right-hand corner of the UI, it’s a hyperlink to as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2

This is one incredibly flexible, highly configurable, user friendly and intuitive application. You’ll find that the demo configuration options are just that, take the time to tune them to what makes sense for your DFIR and security incident management processes. I created test workflows imaging this instance of FIR was dedicated to CERT activities for a consortium of hospitals, we’ll call it Holistic Hospital Alliance. I first modified Business Lines to better align with such a workload. Figure 3 exhibits these options.

Figure 3: Business Lines

Given that we’re imagining response in a medical business scenario, I updated Incident Categories to include IoT and Medical Devices as seen in Figure 4. At teams these are arguably one and the same but imagine all the connected devices now or in the future in a hospital that may not be specifically medical devices.

Figure 4: Incident Categories

I also translated (well, I didn’t, a search engine did) the French Bale Categories to English (glad to share), as seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Bale Categories

The initial Bale Categories are one of the only feature that remains that is specific to CERT Societe Generale. The categories provide correspondence between the incident categories they use every day, and the categories mentioned in the Basel III regulation. As a CERT for financials, they need to be able to report stats using these categories. According to Gael, most people do not use these or even know they exist, as it is only visible in the “Major Incidents” statistics view. Gael thinks it is better if people ignore this as these as they are not very useful for most users.

Now to create a few cases and enjoy the resulting dashboard. I added four events, three of which were incidents, including a Sev 3 malware incident (in FIR a Sev 4 is the highest severtity), a Sev 4 stolen credit card data incident, a Sev 2 vulnerable ICU machine incident, and a Sev 1 vulnerability scanning event as we see in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Dashboard

Numerous editing options await you, including the ability to define you plan of action and incident confidentiality levels, and granularity per unique incident handler (production version). And I’ll bet about now you’re saying “But Russ! What about reporting?” Aye, that’s what the Stats page offers, yearly, quarterly, major incidents and annual comparisons, ready to go. Figure 7 tells the tale.

Figure 7: Stats

You will enjoy FIR, I promise, its easy to use, well conceived, simple to implement, and as free DFIR case management systems go, you really can’t ask for more. Give a go for sure, and if so possessed, contribute to the FIR project. Vive la FIR et bien fait CERT Societe Generale! Merci, Gael Muller.
Ping me via email or Twitter if you have questions: russ at holisticinfosec dot org or @holisticinfosec.

Cheers…until next month. Continue reading toolsmith #113: DFIR case management with FIR

Live Response Collection – Allosaurus

Hello readers and welcome back! Today we are proud to announce the newest round of updates to the Live Response Collection, specifically with a focus on some new features on the OSX side! Improved OSX features!The biggest change is that the OSX ve… Continue reading Live Response Collection – Allosaurus

Live Response Collection – Allosaurus

Hello readers and welcome back! Today we are proud to announce the newest round of updates to the Live Response Collection, specifically with a focus on some new features on the OSX side! Improved OSX features!The biggest change is that the OSX ve… Continue reading Live Response Collection – Allosaurus

Cyber Security Snake Oil

Hello again readers and welcome back! Today’s blog post is going to cover an instance, which unfortunately occurs WAY to often in the cyber-security realm, especially on the topic of “threat intelligence” or “advanced analytics” or whatever other buzzw… Continue reading Cyber Security Snake Oil

Cyber Security Snake Oil

Hello again readers and welcome back! Today’s blog post is going to cover an instance, which unfortunately occurs WAY to often in the cyber-security realm, especially on the topic of “threat intelligence” or “advanced analytics” or whatever other buzzw… Continue reading Cyber Security Snake Oil

Updates (and a new feature!) to buatapa

Hello again readers and welcome back! Today we are pleased to announce the release of a new version of buatapa, updating from version 0.0.5 to 0.0.6. The changes are going to be mostly transparent for end users, but it does account for a change in the … Continue reading Updates (and a new feature!) to buatapa

Updates (and a new feature!) to buatapa

Hello again readers and welcome back! Today we are pleased to announce the release of a new version of buatapa, updating from version 0.0.5 to 0.0.6. The changes are going to be mostly transparent for end users, but it does account for a change in the … Continue reading Updates (and a new feature!) to buatapa

Putting a wrap on October

Hello again readers and welcome back! For us, October consisted of a lot of traveling giving presentations about the Live Response Collection at BSides Raleigh, Anne Arundel Community College, WomenEtc. (Richmond, Virginia), and the Open Source Digital… Continue reading Putting a wrap on October