Oracle WebLogic Server RCE Flaw Under Active Attack
The flaw in the console component of the WebLogic Server, CVE-2020-14882, is under active attack, researchers warn. Continue reading Oracle WebLogic Server RCE Flaw Under Active Attack
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The flaw in the console component of the WebLogic Server, CVE-2020-14882, is under active attack, researchers warn. Continue reading Oracle WebLogic Server RCE Flaw Under Active Attack
The COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with an explosion in the number of connected devices, have led to a swelling in IoT infections observed on wireless networks. Continue reading IoT Device Takeovers Surge 100 Percent in 2020
An unpatched vulnerability in the web server of device firmware gives attackers root privileges, researchers said. Continue reading Netgear Zero-Day Allows Full Takeover of Dozens of Router Models
TV takeover, privacy threats, botnet concerns and Wi-Fi network compromise are all big concerns when it comes to connected TVs. Continue reading Smart TVs: The Cyberthreat Lurking in Your Living Room, Feds Warn
Eight vulnerabilities would allow a range of attacker activities, including taking the Nest camera offline, sniffing out network information and device hijacking. Continue reading Google Nest Security Cam Bugs Allow Device Takeover
A lack of a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) pairing mechanism leaves the smart IoT devices open to malicious manipulation. Continue reading Hacked Hair Straighteners Can Threaten Homes
Sloppy Android developers not following security guidelines for external storage opens the door to device takeover and more. Continue reading DEF CON 2018: ‘Man in the Disk’ Attack Surface Affects All Android Phones