Is it possible that a usb drive manufactured 3 months ago can have data copied to it that shows the file last modified date before manufacturing date? [on hold]

I have some data that needs to be handed to a friend. I don’t want to give the original drive (drive-1), so I plan to purchase a drive (drive-copy) and copy data to it. The data copied will still show last modified date for f… Continue reading Is it possible that a usb drive manufactured 3 months ago can have data copied to it that shows the file last modified date before manufacturing date? [on hold]

Is Encryption an NTA / NIDS / NFT Apocalypse?

Here is a funny one: does pervasive traffic encryption KILL Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) dead? Well, OK, not truly “kill it dead,” but push it back to 2002 when it was called “N-BAD” [“a coincidence? I think not”] … Continue reading Is Encryption an NTA / NIDS / NFT Apocalypse?

Cut Through The Noise, See Tiny Signals

An oscilloscope is a handy tool for measuring signals of all kinds, but it’s especially useful if you want to measure something with a periodic component. Modern oscilloscopes have all kinds of features built-in that allow you sample a wide range of signals in the hundreds of megahertz, and make finding and measuring your signal pretty easy, provided you know which buttons to push. There are some advanced oscilloscope methods that go beyond the built-in features of even the best oscilloscopes, and [AM] has a tutorial on one of them.

The method used here is called phase-senstitive detection, and allows …read more

Continue reading Cut Through The Noise, See Tiny Signals

If a file on USB drive shows a certain "date modified" time in the windows explorer, can the correct added date/time be checked for the file?

If someone copied files from a drive-1 to usb-drive-2, then it seems the directories and files get the original modified time from drive-1 in some cases and in some cases not.

Can it be checked if the file/directory was act… Continue reading If a file on USB drive shows a certain "date modified" time in the windows explorer, can the correct added date/time be checked for the file?

Detecting network attacks by processing individual or multiple network packets?

I am trying to create a tool that identifies network attacks using machine learning, something like a small intrusion detection system. I have collected benign traffic from the network and then deployed a couple of nmap scann… Continue reading Detecting network attacks by processing individual or multiple network packets?