Stealing DNA By Phone

Data exfiltration via side channel attacks can be a fascinating topic. It is easy to forget that there are so many different ways that electronic devices affect the physical world other than their intended purpose. And creative security researchers like to play around with these side-effects for ‘fun and profit’. …read more

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Insider Threat Management – Detect and Respond to Data Exfiltration

As the perimeter shifts to the user and application, traditional network-based data loss prevention solutions are no longer effective. There is no longer a central network egress point to control the flow of data, as users, and the applications they ac… Continue reading Insider Threat Management – Detect and Respond to Data Exfiltration

Insider Threat Management – Detect and Respond to Data Exfiltration

As the perimeter shifts to the user and application, traditional network-based data loss prevention solutions are no longer effective. There is no longer a central network egress point to control the flow of data, as users, and the applications they ac… Continue reading Insider Threat Management – Detect and Respond to Data Exfiltration

Free Cynet Threat Assessment for Mid-sized and Large Organizations

Have your business try Cynet’s Free Threat Assessment that checks for malware, C&C connections, data exfiltration, phishing link access, user credential thefts attempts, etc. Continue reading Free Cynet Threat Assessment for Mid-sized and Large Organizations

IDenticard Zero-Days Allow Corporate Building Access, Location Recon

Multiple hardcoded passwords allow attackers to create badges to gain building entry, access video surveillance feeds, manipulate databases and more. Continue reading IDenticard Zero-Days Allow Corporate Building Access, Location Recon

NFCdrip: Data Exfiltration Research in Near Field Communication

Near-field communication (NFC) is a set of protocols that enables two electronic devices to establish communication by bringing them very close together. Usually the devices must be within less than 4cm. Contactless payment systems use NFC devices, inc… Continue reading NFCdrip: Data Exfiltration Research in Near Field Communication

5 Tips for Uncovering Hidden Cyberthreats with DNS Analytics

By understanding the basics of DNS analytics, the common methods of attack and the tools available to security teams, you will be better prepared to protect your enterprise from hidden cyberthreats.

The post 5 Tips for Uncovering Hidden Cyberthreats with DNS Analytics appeared first on Security Intelligence.

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Smart Bulb Offers Light, Color, Music, and… Data Exfiltration?

Smart bulbs are widely known as a successful offering in home automation and IoT products, as they are internet-capable light bulbs that allow home users to customize the colors, schedule on and off times, and control them remotely. Some even play musi… Continue reading Smart Bulb Offers Light, Color, Music, and… Data Exfiltration?