Congress Used Dying Kids and Slick PR to Sell America a Handout to Big Pharma

The 21st Century Cures Act was passed thanks to an army of lobbyists and a PR campaign that preyed on dying children who are unlikely to benefit from it. Continue reading Congress Used Dying Kids and Slick PR to Sell America a Handout to Big Pharma

Congress Used Dying Kids and Slick PR to Sell America a Handout to Big Pharma

The 21st Century Cures Act was passed thanks to an army of lobbyists and a PR campaign that preyed on dying children who are unlikely to benefit from it. Continue reading Congress Used Dying Kids and Slick PR to Sell America a Handout to Big Pharma

Congress To Security Experts: How Do We Deal With The Internet of Shit?

And Bruce Schneier thinks regulating the Internet of Things is inevitable and desirable. Continue reading Congress To Security Experts: How Do We Deal With The Internet of Shit?