Gas pump card skimmer now phones home

 In an unsurprising move by credit card thieves, police have found a new credit card skimmer that sends stolen data via SMS. By tearing apart cheap phones, crooks are able to send credit card information to their location instantly without having … Continue reading Gas pump card skimmer now phones home

Matt Mitchell of CryptoHarlem is building an open source tool to help organizations prepare for data breaches

 This morning on the stage of TC Sessions: Justice, Matt Mitchell of CryptoHarlem discussed his views on the link between surveillance and minority oppression and the importance of taking a preventative approach to security and privacy. Mitchell, a specialist in digital safety and encryption, is dedicating time to creating Protect Your Org, a free, open source, tool for all organizations… Read More Continue reading Matt Mitchell of CryptoHarlem is building an open source tool to help organizations prepare for data breaches