What’s the point of habitual cookie consent? Analytics?

Last week I read an online post about schoolchildren who are taught in their IT lessons to just accept cookie consent pop-ups when they see them on the screen! That really is the definition of habitual consent. If we think about the intent of consent, it should be informed, unambiguous, and meaningful to the end user. In the example of the schoolchildren who were taught to consent by default: What are they consenting to? Continue reading What’s the point of habitual cookie consent? Analytics?

It’s universal: We all love to exchange gifts. Singles’ Day and Diwali are two more reasons to do so.

There is scientific evidence that humans secrete "feel good" chemicals in their brain, such as serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, while giving. So it’s no wonder that many of us look forward to the holidays. Online mobile shopping trends for Singles’ Day and Diwali certainly confirm that. Sadly, cybercriminals also mark their calendars. Continue reading It’s universal: We all love to exchange gifts. Singles’ Day and Diwali are two more reasons to do so.

It’s universal: We all love to exchange gifts. Singles’ Day and Diwali are two more reasons to do so.

There is scientific evidence that humans secrete "feel good" chemicals in their brain, such as serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, while giving. So it’s no wonder that many of us look forward to the holidays. Online mobile shopping trends for Si… Continue reading It’s universal: We all love to exchange gifts. Singles’ Day and Diwali are two more reasons to do so.

Online Shoppers Undeterred by COVID as Holiday Shopping Season Shifts Earlier

Holiday shoppers are overcoming worries and restrictions and easily adapting to new shopping norms as the COVID-19 pandemic has invaded our lives and made us overwhelmingly dependent on online and mobile activity. According to an Akamai-commissioned su… Continue reading Online Shoppers Undeterred by COVID as Holiday Shopping Season Shifts Earlier

Online Shoppers Undeterred by COVID as Holiday Shopping Season Shifts Earlier

Holiday shoppers are overcoming worries and restrictions and easily adapting to new shopping norms as the COVID-19 pandemic has invaded our lives and made us overwhelmingly dependent on online and mobile activity. According to an Akamai-commissioned survey of more than 1,000 U.S. consumers conducted between October 31 and November 2, 2020, 73% of shoppers who have started gift hunting have done half to all their shopping online to date. And if they are not finished, 85% of consumers plan to do at least half of the remainder of their holiday shopping online. Continue reading Online Shoppers Undeterred by COVID as Holiday Shopping Season Shifts Earlier

How the Crypto Challenge as Action Helped a Major Airline Reduce False Positives While Protecting the Customer Experience

Challenges of Bot Detection: Keeping Defenses High Without Triggering False Positives
Identifying bots is important and complicated work. Keeping up with ever-changing bot technologies and attack strategies requires deep knowledge and continuous threat research. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic — already threatening to throw everything off track — hasn’t made it any easier. Consumers are changing their online behavior in radical ways, and cybercriminals are paying attention. Bot attacks have increased in industries like online retailing, media, and gaming — essentially following the money as consumer habits changed in response to COVID-19. When you notice unusual traffic patterns on a website, you might be tempted to fix the problem, at least in part, by tweaking the rules. Continue reading How the Crypto Challenge as Action Helped a Major Airline Reduce False Positives While Protecting the Customer Experience

Cyberattacks Evolve as the Hospitality and Travel Industry Adapts

While the world fights against the COVID-19 pandemic, cybercriminals are out in full force with a multitude of scams designed to take advantage of the confusion and panic. COVID-19 has — by necessity — made us all more comfortable working, playing, a… Continue reading Cyberattacks Evolve as the Hospitality and Travel Industry Adapts

Cyberattacks Evolve as the Hospitality and Travel Industry Adapts

While the world fights against the COVID-19 pandemic, cybercriminals are out in full force with a multitude of scams designed to take advantage of the confusion and panic. COVID-19 has — by necessity — made us all more comfortable working, playing, and buying online. Continue reading Cyberattacks Evolve as the Hospitality and Travel Industry Adapts

Platform Update Highlights for eCommerce

Akamai’s October Platform Update offers a ton of new features for our customers across all industries. But if you’re an online retailer, you should really be paying attention to improvements to EdgeWorkers and Image & Video Manager, which provide expanded capabilities for creating new microservices and managing video and image delivery at the edge. Continue reading Platform Update Highlights for eCommerce

Platform Update Highlights for eCommerce

Akamai’s October Platform Update offers a ton of new features for our customers across all industries. But if you’re an online retailer, you should really be paying attention to improvements to EdgeWorkers and Image & Video Manager, which provide e… Continue reading Platform Update Highlights for eCommerce