Analytics as a service: Why more enterprises should consider outsourcing

In today’s world, where customers value experiences over transactions, Analytics as a Service helps businesses dig deeper into their psyche and tap insights to build long-term winning strategies. Continue reading Analytics as a service: Why more enterprises should consider outsourcing

The health data transparency movement is birthing a new generation of startups

The recent movement toward data transparency is birthing a new generation of innovation and startups that could ultimately make healthcare better and more transparent for all of us. Continue reading The health data transparency movement is birthing a new generation of startups

Data scientists: Bring the narrative to the forefront

Data alone doesn’t spur innovation — rather, it’s data-driven storytelling that helps uncover hidden trends, powers personalization, and streamlines processes. Continue reading Data scientists: Bring the narrative to the forefront

Enterprise security attackers are one password away from your worst day

IT organizations must shift their enterprise security strategy to detect credential-based attacks before they become a problem. Continue reading Enterprise security attackers are one password away from your worst day

It’s time to abandon business intelligence tools

Organizations spend ungodly amounts of money — millions of dollars — on business intelligence tools. Yet, adoption rates are still below 30%. Why is this the case? Because BI has failed businesses. Continue reading It’s time to abandon business intelligence tools

A crypto company’s journey to Data 3.0

Having worked at tech companies like LinkedIn and eBay, I’ve observed firsthand the evolution from Data 1.0 to Data 3.0. In Data 1.0, data is seen as a reactive function providing ad-hoc manual services or firefighting in urgent situations. Continue reading A crypto company’s journey to Data 3.0

Winning enterprise sales teams know how to persuade the Chief Objection Officer

Identifying and supporting anti-champions during the sales cycle helps enterprise software startups close more deals. Continue reading Winning enterprise sales teams know how to persuade the Chief Objection Officer

Why do SaaS companies with usage-based pricing grow faster?

Public SaaS companies that have adopted usage-based pricing are better at landing new customers, growing with them and retaining them.  Continue reading Why do SaaS companies with usage-based pricing grow faster?