Watching study videos at double speed doesn’t hinder learning

In good news for those who like racing through audiobooks at double speed, a new study from a team at UCLA has found learning and knowledge retention is not negatively effected when students watch recorded lectures at faster playback speeds. However, c… Continue reading Watching study videos at double speed doesn’t hinder learning

Live fish brain study reveals surprises about where and how memories form

Scientists at the University of Southern California (USC) have managed to image the formation of memories inside the brains of live fish in real time. And the results were intriguing – synapses were seen forming in one part of the brain while disappear… Continue reading Live fish brain study reveals surprises about where and how memories form

Roadside brain imaging could assess cannabis driving impairment

A new study led by researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital has identified a pattern of brain activity that seems to correlate with impairment from cannabis intoxication. The researchers suggest this novel brain-based biomarker could be a way to… Continue reading Roadside brain imaging could assess cannabis driving impairment

Brain tissue study sheds light on how exercise can fight dementia

Researchers have linked physical activity to higher levels of presynaptic proteins in the brain

A new post-mortem brain tissue study is offering clues as to how exercise in old age can improve brain health and prevent cognitive decline. The research found late-life physical activity was associated with higher levels of presynaptic proteins, molecules previously found to support healthy brain functions.

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Anthrax toxin may be the key to new pain-blocking therapies

Early preclinical work led by researchers from Harvard Medical School has found certain elements in a toxin produced by the anthrax bacterium can silence activity in pain-signaling brain neurons. The research proposes this could be a new model for futu… Continue reading Anthrax toxin may be the key to new pain-blocking therapies

Ultrasound alters monkey brain activity linked to psychiatric disorders

Ultrasound has a long history as a trusted imaging technology that can reveal what’s going on on the human body, but recently we’re seeing how it might be adapted to actually influence the body’s behavior. A fascinating new study explores how ultrasoun… Continue reading Ultrasound alters monkey brain activity linked to psychiatric disorders

The Real Science (Not Armchair Science) Of Consciousness

Among brain researchers there’s a truism that says the reason people underestimate how much unconscious processing goes on in your brain is because you’re not conscious of it. And while …read more Continue reading The Real Science (Not Armchair Science) Of Consciousness

Mobile MRI machine detects brain disorders at a fraction of the cost

MRI is a powerful diagnostic tool, but the size and cost of the machinery limits where it can be used. Scientists at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) have now developed a more compact and affordable MRI system, which uses a much smaller magnetic field… Continue reading Mobile MRI machine detects brain disorders at a fraction of the cost

How gym junkie mice could inspire a new therapy for dementia

The researchers homed in on an exercise-induced protein called clusterin and suspect it has anti-inflammatory properties helping tamp down neuroinflammation and improving cognition

We know exercise is good for the brain, but we don’t know exactly how exercise improves brain health. A new Stanford study has homed in on a single anti-inflammatory protein that seems to increase in the blood with exercise and the findings could inspire new kinds of drugs that prevent neurodegeneration or cognitive decline.

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