Brain inflammation links sleep disruption and Alzheimer’s

A new study has found inflammatory biomarkers correlated with disruptions to fast sleep spindles, a kind of sleep brain wave activity linked to memory retention

A new study suggests brain inflammation is the key factor linking sleep disturbances with Alzheimer’s disease. It’s hypothesized the same overactive immune cells in the brain that ultimately contribute to cognitive decline can disrupt certain sleep cycles in the earliest stages of neurodegenerative disease.

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Stress hormone awakens our brain 100 times a night to shape our memory

Scientists probing the mysterious machinations of the brain during sleep have made a fascinating discovery around how its chemistry changes throughout the night. The research centers on the levels of a stress hormone called noradrenaline, which fluctua… Continue reading Stress hormone awakens our brain 100 times a night to shape our memory

Just 4 alcoholic drinks a week could contribute to cognitive decline

A new study found moderate alcohol drinkers displayed higher levels of iron in their brain

A striking study looking at over 20,000 people in the United Kingdom has found as little as four standard alcoholic drinks a week can be linked to brain changes associated with cognitive decline. The research is the first to directly correlate increased brain iron levels with moderate alcohol consumption.

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Video games can enhance decision-making skills, brain imaging study finds

A great deal of attention is often given to the negative effects of video games. Excessive game-playing can undoubtedly be detrimental for some people, taking time away from exercising and social activities, and disrupting sleep. But for several years … Continue reading Video games can enhance decision-making skills, brain imaging study finds

Another study ties Alzheimer’s progression to bacteria in your mouth

Researchers have found mice infected with a certain type of oral bacteria displayed faster progression of Alzheimer's symptoms compared to uninfected animals

A common type of oral bacteria associated with periodontal disease has been linked to neuroinflammation and the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The research, from an international team of scientists, builds on a prior body of evidence linking poor oral health with dementia and neurodegeneration.

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ADHD drugs could help treat symptoms of Alzheimer’s

The research looked at 40 years of clinical trials investigating the effects of noradrenergic drugs on Alzheimer’s disease symptoms

A new systematic review has found repurposing some drugs currently used for ADHD and depression could offer small improvements to cognitive symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The review focused on a family of drugs developed to stimulate the brain’s noradrenaline system.

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New clues to how COVID may trigger immune damage in the brain

A small autopsy study examining brain tissue from patients who died from COVID-19 is offering new clues to how this novel coronavirus can lead to brain damage. The findings suggest an abnormal immune response could be damaging vascular cells in the blo… Continue reading New clues to how COVID may trigger immune damage in the brain

How the flu vaccine can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

A new study found flu vaccination reduced risk of Alzheimer's by 40 percent, but exactly how is still a mystery

A large new study tracking the health of around two million people has found annual influenza vaccination is associated with a significantly lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The compelling findings build on growing research finding links between several viral infections and neurodegenerative disease.

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“Ghost imaging” combines human vision with AI to see around corners

X-ray vision has long been a staple power for superheroes, but soon mere mortals could see hidden objects with a little help from AI. Researchers at the University of Glasgow have demonstrated a “ghost imaging” system that reads the brainwaves of a per… Continue reading “Ghost imaging” combines human vision with AI to see around corners