More magnesium may mean better brain health, especially for women

Researchers have found that consuming more magnesium leads to better brain health, especially for women.

Dementia is an incurable, debilitating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. While science continues to look for answers to treat the disease, there has been a shift towards prevention. A study has provided new evidence about the link between magnesium intake and brain health.

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Calcium-control gene offers new avenue for Alzheimer’s disease therapy

Researchers have found the gene Surf4 plays a role in neural degeneration

Nearly six million Americans currently live with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), with the figure set to climb to 13.8 million by 2050. And with promising trials failing close to the finish line, researchers are desperate for any breakthroughs that will lead to halting the devastating neurodegenerative disease.

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Clean-up protein may turn the tide on brain hemorrhage survival

With a horrific mortality and recovery rate, intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a devastating disease with poor long-term outcomes for those who do manage to survive it. And studies show that for people who receive treatment at its onset, around 50% of … Continue reading Clean-up protein may turn the tide on brain hemorrhage survival

Wrist-zapping wearable found to reduce severity of Tourette’s tics

There may be new hope for people afflicted with Tourette’s syndrome, in the form of a wrist-worn device. In a test of the technology, the majority of participants experienced a reduction in tic severity of at least 25%.Continue ReadingCategory: Health … Continue reading Wrist-zapping wearable found to reduce severity of Tourette’s tics

Insect brain map a landmark first step in unlocking human consciousness

Scientists are one step closer to understanding consciousness, with the unveiling of the world’s first complete, high-resolution brain map of the baby fruit fly. It’s the most complex and intricate connectome of any animal’s brain ever constructed and … Continue reading Insect brain map a landmark first step in unlocking human consciousness

Sugar-coated antibodies cross blood-brain barrier to fight Alzheimer’s

The blood-brain barrier is a network of tightly packed tissues and blood vessels meant to keep harmful substances out, but it can interfere with helpful treatments as well

In the quest to combat Alzheimer’s disease, researchers have been hopeful about the use of antibodies to destroy peptides in the brain that cause damaging tangles and plaque buildups. So far though, such treatments have been unsuccessful. Postulating that the issue had to do with the antibodies getting blocked by the blood-brain barrier, scientists have found a way to sneak them into the brains of mice afflicted with the disease, and have seen encouraging results.

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