Announcing Automated Reverse Engineering Trainings

Consider our modular trainings. They can be organized to suit your company’s needs. You choose the number of skills and days to spend honing them.
The post Announcing Automated Reverse Engineering Trainings appeared first on Security Boulevard.
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Vulnerability Modeling with Binary Ninja

Plenty of static analyzers can perform vulnerability discovery on source code, but what if you only have the binary? How can we model a vulnerability and then check a binary to see if it is vulnerable? The short answer: use Binary Ninja’s MLIL an… Continue reading Vulnerability Modeling with Binary Ninja

Use our suite of Ethereum security tools

Two years ago, when we began taking on blockchain security engagements, there were no tools engineered for the work. No static analyzers, fuzzers, or reverse engineering tools for Ethereum. So, we invested significant time and expertise to create what … Continue reading Use our suite of Ethereum security tools