How is it possible to simply a decode Bluetooth communications from a medical device?

Excuse the naive question but I’m trying to understand a bit about security in home health and medial devices and a recent report about how home Covid test results can be altered has left me a bit confused about how security in Bluetooth a… Continue reading How is it possible to simply a decode Bluetooth communications from a medical device?

The difference between a virtual door-lock and a public key [duplicate]

The thing that helped me to understand what is a "public key" was to parallel it with a door lock:
The door lock is public in the sense that anyone can try to unlock it and the door key is the private in the sense that generally,… Continue reading The difference between a virtual door-lock and a public key [duplicate]

What technologies used in a web browser, if any, can be used to push a binary from a server to a client machine?

This question is about if any technologies used by a web browser (HTTP, TCP, JavaScript, etc.) can be used to push a binary file from the web server to a random folder on the client.
This is for a security discussion at work about the dang… Continue reading What technologies used in a web browser, if any, can be used to push a binary from a server to a client machine?