Suspected North Korean hackers target universities using Chrome extension

While North Korean hackers are known for stealing money to finance Kim Jong Un’s authoritarian regime, Pyongyang may also be engaging in a cyber-espionage campaign targeting universities, new research shows. The hacking operation, which began in May, if not earlier, uses malicious Google Chrome extensions to gain a foothold into a victim’s computer, according to ASERT, the threat intelligence group of Netscout’s Arbor Networks. Once the hackers compromised a target network, they used “off-the-shelf tools,” like remote desktop protocol, to retain access to the network, according to ASERT.  The goal of the operation, dubbed “Stolen Pencil,” appears to be maintaining persistent access; researchers found no evidence of data theft. “A large number of the victims, across multiple universities, had expertise in biomedical engineering, possibly suggesting a motivation for the attackers’ targeting,” states the research, which was published Wednesday. The malicious extensions have been removed from the Google Play Store, ASERT says. Although […]

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Fear the Reaper, or Reaper Madness?

Last week we looked at reports from China and Israel about a new “Internet of Things” malware strain called “Reaper” that researchers said infected more than a million organizations by targeting newfound security weaknesses in countless Internet routers, security cameras and digital video recorders (DVRs). Now some botnet experts are calling on people to stop the “Reaper Madness,” saying the actual number of IoT devices infected with Reaper right now is much smaller.

Arbor Networks said it believes the current actual size of the Reaper botnet fluctuates between 10,000 and 20,000 bots total. Arbor notes that this can change any time. Continue reading Fear the Reaper, or Reaper Madness?