Since GPUs have gigabytes of memory, does Argon2id need to use gigabytes of memory as well in order to effectively thwart GPU cracking?

The common advice of benchmarking a password hashing algorithm and choosing the slowest acceptable cost factor doesn’t work for algorithms with more than one parameter: adding a lot of iterations at the expense of memory hardness makes the… Continue reading Since GPUs have gigabytes of memory, does Argon2id need to use gigabytes of memory as well in order to effectively thwart GPU cracking?

Is using Argon2 with a public random on client side a good idea to protect passwords in transit?

Not sure if things belongs in Crypto SE or here but anyway:
I’m building an app and I’m trying to decide whatever is secure to protect user passwords in transit, in addition to TLS we already have.
In server side, we already have bcrypt pr… Continue reading Is using Argon2 with a public random on client side a good idea to protect passwords in transit?