Will making HTTP cookies unique to a given website make cookies aligned with the strictest privacy guidelines?

As far as I know, the only privacy problem with cookies is that in general, the owners of website Y could read what a visitor has searched for or had done in website X.
Will making HTTP cookies unique to a given website (so other websites … Continue reading Will making HTTP cookies unique to a given website make cookies aligned with the strictest privacy guidelines?

Principally, is input type="text" instead input type="url" a security problem for "website" form fields?

I have a simple HTML-PHP-CSS contact form (no JavaScript) with some trivial fields sent via PHP’s mail() function. One of the fields is "website" field in which a user should input a website domain (if relevant).

If I add to the… Continue reading Principally, is input type="text" instead input type="url" a security problem for "website" form fields?

Is there some international captcha standard (possibly with some implementation alongside it)? [closed]

I am developing a Content Management System Agnostic (CMS-Agnostic) HTML-PHP-JavaScript-CSS contact form and I want to embed a captcha module in it.
I want my backend code (PHP in that case but it could have been any other communally-devel… Continue reading Is there some international captcha standard (possibly with some implementation alongside it)? [closed]

Is it true that frontend validation is generally redundant for minimalist contact forms on minimalist environments?

Say I have a continuously upgraded and well maintained LAMP environment with a website which its CMS is all-core and continuously upgraded as well and I have created a simple backend HTML contact form which is CMS-agnostic (not a module of… Continue reading Is it true that frontend validation is generally redundant for minimalist contact forms on minimalist environments?