Looking for a VPN that is very good for security, and is trustworthy (won’t sell your privacy) [on hold]

I am going to tell the truth. I am Starbucks right now using the public network, knowing that it has vulnerabilities.

I am trying to solve this problem: How can I still be secure on a public network?

I don’t want to use data on my phone either…

I always was interested in getting a VPN, but I feel that I just don’t trust their “no logs” description of the service. I know there is always some sort of log with everything. I feel that our privacy is artificial, and a illusion.

Anyways, can you tell me how to research a VPN. I am trying to learn about security. That you have done very close research into the VPN service. Please tell me what you’re using if you are using a VPN. I am really nervous to use a VPN. I feel that I will be sold, again and again and I have to pay for it.

I read the Q&A is Hard, shopping suggestions. I am avoiding that now.

Thank you everyone. (*^▽^)/

Continue reading Looking for a VPN that is very good for security, and is trustworthy (won’t sell your privacy) [on hold]

Posted in VPN

Why aren’t hardware SSH keys the default access for production systems?

In the Bitcoin world I see people using hardware key stores (and hardware signing devices) as the de-facto only secure way of storing and transmitting $M values.

Wouldn’t a hardware SSH keystore be the best way to go forward… Continue reading Why aren’t hardware SSH keys the default access for production systems?