How can I manipulate certain server side responses? Specifically Ajax Responses? XXE Attack? Hybrid DNS Resolution?

I would like to be able to switch back and forth between the real DNS and maybe setting a local DNS entry so I can manipulate AJAX responses for code security checks.
For instance if the server responds with Ajax on page 1 that page 2 is n… Continue reading How can I manipulate certain server side responses? Specifically Ajax Responses? XXE Attack? Hybrid DNS Resolution?

Is it a valid concern that these webpages are prompting users to install Adobe Flash Player? [closed]

Is it a valid concern that these webpages ( and, linked from near page-bottom of are promp… Continue reading Is it a valid concern that these webpages are prompting users to install Adobe Flash Player? [closed]

Why does Firefox (version 71.0 (64-bit)) indicate “weak encryption” but Google Chrome (Version 79.0.3945.88) does not?

I read that Mozilla uses its own trust certificate store but does “weak encryption” have anything to do with whether the browser trusts the certificate?

Has it got anything to do with the signature algorithm or signature has… Continue reading Why does Firefox (version 71.0 (64-bit)) indicate “weak encryption” but Google Chrome (Version 79.0.3945.88) does not?