Comparison of emulators vs virtualisation for older MS Windows versions in order to secure infrastructure? [closed]

One of the issues, I think, with smaller businesses, banking or healthcare is that a lot of hardware runs software that is OS-dependent, and therefore still running Windows XP or older because they can’t upgrade.
Action Plan could be:

Vi… Continue reading Comparison of emulators vs virtualisation for older MS Windows versions in order to secure infrastructure? [closed]

How do non technical users tell which App stores are safe enough & remain safe using an app store as their quality/vetting varies?

Further to my previous question.
I’m now asking for the ‘so what’ for all app stores…
Which app store performs better checks so non-technical users can trust the protection? Including 3rd party app stores available
I realise that securit… Continue reading How do non technical users tell which App stores are safe enough & remain safe using an app store as their quality/vetting varies?

Non Technical Users: How to tell/which App stores are safe enough/remain safe using an app store as their quality/vetting varies?

Further to my question about how a non-technical user cannot really vet android apps.
I’m now asking practical questions:

Which store performs better checks so send non-technical users here to use these?
Hard to download apps for android … Continue reading Non Technical Users: How to tell/which App stores are safe enough/remain safe using an app store as their quality/vetting varies?

How does a non technical user/beginner vet Android apps to ensure they are safe?

I moved from ios to Android so now can’t rely on Apple doing some checks on the apps.
I was told that Google does some automated checks and if you buy/download apps from large organisations, a.k.a. Microsoft, then you should be … Continue reading How does a non technical user/beginner vet Android apps to ensure they are safe?