Google Drive – migrate reviewed draft policy to published ‘master’ policy [migrated]

We are using Google Drive for our Corporate Policy documents, and we are using in-document links to related policies, processes, minutes, and other related documents.
We need to be able to work on draft/updated policies as a part of our co… Continue reading Google Drive – migrate reviewed draft policy to published ‘master’ policy [migrated]

How do non technical users tell which App stores are safe enough & remain safe using an app store as their quality/vetting varies?

Further to my previous question.
I’m now asking for the ‘so what’ for all app stores…
Which app store performs better checks so non-technical users can trust the protection? Including 3rd party app stores available
I realise that securit… Continue reading How do non technical users tell which App stores are safe enough & remain safe using an app store as their quality/vetting varies?

Non Technical Users: How to tell/which App stores are safe enough/remain safe using an app store as their quality/vetting varies?

Further to my question about how a non-technical user cannot really vet android apps.
I’m now asking practical questions:

Which store performs better checks so send non-technical users here to use these?
Hard to download apps for android … Continue reading Non Technical Users: How to tell/which App stores are safe enough/remain safe using an app store as their quality/vetting varies?

If I login to a mobile/web app with a Google account, what stops the developer also using that account?

I have an admittedly-vague understanding of how OAUTH works, but I recently went through the rigmarole of installing rclone and having it sync some files from my Google Drive to my Linux laptop.
As part of rclone’s documentation, it is rec… Continue reading If I login to a mobile/web app with a Google account, what stops the developer also using that account?