Unable to login to Portswigger lab website with curl or javascript [closed]

I’m studying the basics of XSRF on Portswigger and I’ve completed Lab: CSRF vulnerability with no defenses with FireFox. I attempted to go a step further by completing the same lab from the terminal. However when I send a request to the se… Continue reading Unable to login to Portswigger lab website with curl or javascript [closed]

cURL not returning status 302 after correct login for Hack the Box Machine ‘Crocodile’

cURL is returning a 200 status code after correct login. The common response code after user login should be 302. Why am I not receiving this status code? All information is provided below.
#!/usr/bin/env zsh

printf "\nsending raw re… Continue reading cURL not returning status 302 after correct login for Hack the Box Machine ‘Crocodile’

FFUF command returns status code 400, regardless of mode option: clusterbomb, pitchfork, sniper

I’m working on a lab on PortSwigger.com titled Username enumeration via different responses. While using ffuf to solve the lab, the output keeps returning a 400 status code.
So far this is what I’ve tried. Here is the request payload file,… Continue reading FFUF command returns status code 400, regardless of mode option: clusterbomb, pitchfork, sniper

Issue uploading a file with cURL to WebSecurityAcademy Lab on PortSwigger.com

I want to solve an apprentice-level lab on PortSwigger.com focused on file upload vulnerabilities; the lab is called Remote code execution via web shell upload. The labs on PortSwigger.com encourage the use of Burp. However, while Burp is … Continue reading Issue uploading a file with cURL to WebSecurityAcademy Lab on PortSwigger.com