Is not Electrum’s Seed Word Autocomplete a Theoretical Security Risk?

As the image below shows, when you try to restore an existing wallet from a seed (a sequence of 12 words), the program offers some autocomplete suggestions. Though I’m sure the risk is purely theoretical – in the sense that the number of p… Continue reading Is not Electrum’s Seed Word Autocomplete a Theoretical Security Risk?

How can a Microsoft "unsuccessful sign-in" trigger a 2FA request?

I was certain I’d find a question asking this, but a search didn’t return any results.
I have 2FA enabled on my Microsoft account, which requires me to approve all sign-ins using the Microsoft Authenticator app. My understanding is, after … Continue reading How can a Microsoft "unsuccessful sign-in" trigger a 2FA request?

How can a phishing attempt SMS be sent by the same number as the legitimate company? [duplicate]

My bank (let’s call it theBank; it’s a trusted bank in a Scandinavian country) uses among other methods SMS prompts. When performing an action (e.g. payment), you are sent an SMS containing a code prompt. To complete the action, you must t… Continue reading How can a phishing attempt SMS be sent by the same number as the legitimate company? [duplicate]