Remote eIDAS Qualified Signatures: Control of Signature Activation Data

In eIDAS Remote Qualified Signatures, but also in other Remote-Signature Solutions, the cryptographic keys are held by the Remote Signature Provider. The user uses some method, e.g., a smartphone app, to allow the creation of a signature.
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Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider for ECDH (Key Usage: keyAgreement) and for RSA encryption (Key Usage: keyEncipherment)

In the Windows Certificate Store, during a request creation, there are options given for the private key to be ECDH (Key Usage: keyAgreement) and for RSA for encryption only (Key Usage: keyEncipherment):

ECDH,Microsoft Software Key Storag… Continue reading Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider for ECDH (Key Usage: keyAgreement) and for RSA encryption (Key Usage: keyEncipherment)

ECDSA_nistP384 vs ECDSA_secP384 vs ECDSA_P384 Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider (KSP) [duplicate]

The windows certificate store, during the creation of a request, gives the following options for the private key:

ECDSA_nistP384,Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider (KSP)

ECDSA_secP384,Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider (KSP)

Continue reading ECDSA_nistP384 vs ECDSA_secP384 vs ECDSA_P384 Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider (KSP) [duplicate]

ECDSA_bainpoolP512 vs ECDSA Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider (KSP) / ECDSA_nistP384 vs ECDSA_secP384 vs ECDSA_P384

During the creation of a certificate request through the Windows Certificate Store, at the options for the private key, there are the following options for choosing a KSP:

ECDSA_brainpoolP512,Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider (KSP)
Continue reading ECDSA_bainpoolP512 vs ECDSA Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider (KSP) / ECDSA_nistP384 vs ECDSA_secP384 vs ECDSA_P384

How to implement challenge-response authentication using PKCS11

I have been searching for a way to use challenge-response over PKCS11, is that possible? I have found that it is possible for Windows Minidriver, but all the PKCS11 challenge-response protocols are custom and vendor defined.
How can someon… Continue reading How to implement challenge-response authentication using PKCS11

Using USB Security Token with PIN-Pad for Secure PIN Entry [closed]

PIN-pad smartcard readers (class 2) for secure PIN entry exist, but I have only seen them for smartcards (that come in a card form factor) and they are both a PIN-pad and a card reader. Is there something analogous for USB security tokens … Continue reading Using USB Security Token with PIN-Pad for Secure PIN Entry [closed]