Synthetic microbes gang up to safely smash weeds and fuel wheat growth

Herbicides were touted as ‘miracle’ chemicals when they changed farming practices forever in the late 1940s, but researchers are now desperate to find a more sustainable, soil-friendly and non-toxic way of wrangling weeds while promoting crop growth. N… Continue reading Synthetic microbes gang up to safely smash weeds and fuel wheat growth

Maize crops shown to improve wheat yields, by boosting soil microbes

Farmers have long known that it’s a good idea to rotate crops, and that concept is now getting a new spin. A Swiss study indicates that wheat yields are boosted when those crops are planted in fields previously used to grow maize, which altered the soi… Continue reading Maize crops shown to improve wheat yields, by boosting soil microbes

To stop mice from eating seeds … make everything smell like seeds?

By digging up and eating sown wheat seeds, mice can have a huge impact on farmers’ crops. In an eco-friendly effort to stop the rodents from doing so, scientists are now using wheat germ oil to make entire fields smell appetizing.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading To stop mice from eating seeds … make everything smell like seeds?

Genetically modified wheat boasts 11-percent higher yield

Wheat is one of the planet’s most widely grown crops, so any increases in its grain yield could go a long way towards reducing world hunger. That’s where a new variety of the plant comes in, as its yield is reportedly up to 11 percent higher than that … Continue reading Genetically modified wheat boasts 11-percent higher yield

Wheat gluten may find use in “green” diapers

Disposable diapers are definitely not eco-friendly, not only because of their plastic outer shell, but also due to their petroleum-based absorbent inner layer. There could soon be a more sustainable alternative to the latter, though, and it’s made from… Continue reading Wheat gluten may find use in “green” diapers

Trial finds introducing gluten into diet early may prevent celiac disease

The researchers say it is too soon to offer dietary recommendations to new parents, but instead call for large trials to establish clear evidence

The results of a long-term clinical trial have found carefully introducing gluten into an infant’s diet from the age of four months could reduce their risk of developing celiac disease. The trial only offers preliminary evidence of this association, and the researchers stress larger trials are necessary before any broader dietary recommendations are suggested.

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Modern wheat strains are hardier than previously thought

A new study from the University of Queensland (UQ) debunks the myth that modern strains of wheat are overbred, vulnerable varieties that are heavily dependent on pesticides and fertilizers. By looking at five decades of wheat breeding in Euro… Continue reading Modern wheat strains are hardier than previously thought

Norman Borlaug Saves A Billion

Everyone loves a hero. Save someone from a burning building, and you’ll get your fifteen minutes of fame. That’s why I’m always surprised that more people don’t know Norman Borlaug, who would have celebrated his 104th birthday on Sunday. He won the Nobel prize in 1970 and there’s good reason to think that his hacking efforts saved about a billion people from starving to death. A billion people. That’s not just a hero, that’s a superhero.

To understand why that claim is made, you have to go back to the 1970s. The population was growing and was approaching an unprecedented …read more

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