Custom Weather Camera Feed With Software Tricks

With a gorgeous view of the Italian seaside, we’re not surprised [Danilo Larizza] had a couple IP cameras set up to pull in real-time views. But using a Raspberry Pi, an environmental sensor, and some software trickery to overlay the current (and naturally, perfect) weather conditions over the images? Now …read more

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Monster lightning “megaflashes” set new records for time and distance

There are few more spectacular demonstrations of nature’s power than a thunderstorm. The World Meteorological Association (WMO) has now confirmed two new records for the biggest lightning bolts in recorded history, measured by duration and distance, bo… Continue reading Monster lightning “megaflashes” set new records for time and distance

Four decades of data shows hurricane winds are growing stronger

Scientists studying weather and atmospheric physics have uncovered evidence that climate change is making hurricanes more fierce, and as time goes by, a fuller picture is emerging of this global trend. A new study looking at nearly four decades of data… Continue reading Four decades of data shows hurricane winds are growing stronger

Viewing Countrywide Weather At A Glance

For his latest project, weather display aficionado [Richard] has put together a handsome little device that shows the temperatures recorded at nine different airports located all over the British Isles. Of course the concept could be adapted to wherever it is that you call home, assuming there are enough Internet-connected …read more

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Western US may be headed for a once-in-500-years “megadrought”

The western United States and parts of northern Mexico have been suffering through drought conditions on and off since the year 2000 – and unfortunately it may not let up any time soon. A new study has examined extreme droughts in the region dating bac… Continue reading Western US may be headed for a once-in-500-years “megadrought”

Weird weather pushes Greenland to worst ice loss on record

A new study has calculated that the Greenland ice sheet lost hundreds of billions of tons of ice last year, marking the biggest drop in its ice mass since records began in 1948. And warm weather alone wasn’t to blame – the team found that unusual press… Continue reading Weird weather pushes Greenland to worst ice loss on record

The 500-million-year-old reason behind the unique scent of rain

New research from an international team of scientists is suggesting that instantly recognizable earthy smell after rain is released by bacteria trying to attract a particular arthropod as a way to spread its spores. The smell is a 500-million-year-old … Continue reading The 500-million-year-old reason behind the unique scent of rain

Giant clams may be a good source of “paleoweather” data

If you’re wondering what the weather was like several thousand years ago, well … there aren’t going to be weather reports from back then that you can check. What there are, however, are fossilized giant clam shells, and a new study suggests that they c… Continue reading Giant clams may be a good source of “paleoweather” data

UN annual climate report shows 2019 was another record-breaking year

The United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have released the Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2019. This annual report confirms that last year was another record-breaker, continuing a worrying trend that indicates… Continue reading UN annual climate report shows 2019 was another record-breaking year

Relive the Glory Days of Cable TV with This Retro Weather Feed

This may surprise younger readers, but there was once a time when the reality programming on The Weather Channel was simply, you know, weather. It used to be no more than a ten-minute wait to “Local on the Eights”, with simple text crawls of local conditions and forecasts that looked …read more

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