Record-breaking 2-million-year-old DNA reveals long-lost ecosystem

An artist's impression of the ecosystem that lived in Greenland 2 million years ago, as revealed by the world's oldest DNA samples

The record for world’s oldest surviving DNA has been shattered. An international team of scientists has discovered DNA that dates back 2 million years, preserved in Ice Age sediment that captures an entire ecosystem of known – and unknown – lifeforms.

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The modern satellites shaping the course of climate science

The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik 1 satellite in 1957, placing the first human-made object in space. Fast forward to 2022, and we are now launching more than a thousand satellites into space each year, improving our weather forecasts, boosting our … Continue reading The modern satellites shaping the course of climate science

Greenland ice melt has already locked in 10 inches of sea level rise

As scientists sharpen their observational tools and more data comes to light, our view of the changes gripping our planet is only becoming clearer, and it’s not a pretty sight. A striking new example of this has come from glaciologists studying the sea… Continue reading Greenland ice melt has already locked in 10 inches of sea level rise

Greenland hit by cyber attack, finds its health service crippled

For the past week and a half, Greenland’s health service has reportedly been struggling to recover from a cyber attack that has crippled its IT systems, causing long waiting times and forcing doctors to resort to using pen and paper instead of computer… Continue reading Greenland hit by cyber attack, finds its health service crippled

Basal meltwater is thawing the Greenland Ice Sheet from the bottom up

For the past seven years, a science team led by Professor Poul Christoffersen from the University of Cambridge has been studying meltwater lakes pooled atop the Greenland Ice Sheet, seeking to better understanding the role they play in the behavior of … Continue reading Basal meltwater is thawing the Greenland Ice Sheet from the bottom up

Ancient ice reveals powerful solar storm during Sun’s “quiet” phase

The Sun is capable of some worryingly powerful outbursts. In ice cores from both ends of the planet, scientists have discovered evidence of an extreme solar storm that struck Earth around 9,200 years ago, and strangely, it seemed to have occurred durin… Continue reading Ancient ice reveals powerful solar storm during Sun’s “quiet” phase

Denmark grows after world’s northernmost island discovered off Greenland

The Kingdom of Denmark just got a teeny bit bigger after researchers from the University of Copenhagen accidentally discovered the world’s northernmost island. Measuring only 30 x 60 m (100 x 200 ft), the still unnamed isle is located 780 m (2,560 ft) … Continue reading Denmark grows after world’s northernmost island discovered off Greenland

Surprisingly high mercury levels detected in Greenland glacier meltwater

The Greenland Ice Sheet is associated with a range of environmental issues, but now researchers have discovered a surprising new problem that hadn’t been considered before. Glacial meltwater was found to be unexpectedly high in mercury, which could hav… Continue reading Surprisingly high mercury levels detected in Greenland glacier meltwater

Fiber optics map temperature of Greenland Ice Sheet in unprecedented detail

Tracking changes in huge masses of ice is key to understanding the effects of climate change on the planet, and researchers in Greenland have developed a new tool that takes the accuracy of such measurements to unprecedented levels. The technology uses… Continue reading Fiber optics map temperature of Greenland Ice Sheet in unprecedented detail

Fossilized plants discovered a mile beneath Greenland ice sheet

Scientists have made the surprising discovery of fossilized plants 1.4 km (0.9 miles) beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. That indicates the island has been ice-free within the last million years or so – meaning it’s more vulnerable to climate change than… Continue reading Fossilized plants discovered a mile beneath Greenland ice sheet