First tiger tests positive to COVID-19 at New York’s Bronx Zoo

In the first case of its kind, a four-year-old tiger at New York City’s Bronx Zoo has tested positive for COVID-19, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has confirmed. The female Malayan tiger is believed to have been infected by a worker, with a nu… Continue reading First tiger tests positive to COVID-19 at New York’s Bronx Zoo

Loop-loaded nanosheets accelerate discovery of artificial antibodies

The body does a pretty good job of protecting itself from invading viruses and bacteria. Antibodies are one of the main lines of defense, but when a new threat emerges it takes time for the body to produce new antibodies to fight it. A new study led by… Continue reading Loop-loaded nanosheets accelerate discovery of artificial antibodies

Study affirms average Covid-19 incubation period is 5 days

A new study from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is affirming early estimates suggesting 5.1 days is the average incubation period for Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.Continue ReadingCategory: Health & Wellbein… Continue reading Study affirms average Covid-19 incubation period is 5 days

Cranberry/citrus combo helps kill norovirus in fresh produce

Although fresh produce is usually quite a healthy food choice, there’s always a risk that it may be contaminated with norovirus. That said, new research now indicates that a fruit-derived coating helps eliminate such viruses more effectively than ever … Continue reading Cranberry/citrus combo helps kill norovirus in fresh produce

New, detailed images of novel coronavirus released by US lab

A laboratory in the United States has produced the most detailed images to date of the novel coronavirus currently spreading across the globe. The digitally colorized images illustrate the crown-like appearance of the virus, now officially named SARS-C… Continue reading New, detailed images of novel coronavirus released by US lab

Ebola virus gene helps hunt down deadly brain cancers

Glioblastomas are highly aggressive brain tumors that are notoriously difficult to treat, with the cancer cells often slipping away from the main growth and into the brain, leading to high rates of recurrence down the track. In search of more effective… Continue reading Ebola virus gene helps hunt down deadly brain cancers

Why do so many deadly viral outbreaks originate in bats?

Ebola, Marburg, SARS, MERS, and now the new coronavirus Covid-19, all share one thing in common – they are thought to have originated in bats. A new study, led by scientists at UC Berkeley, is suggesting the mammals’ uniquely fierce immune system encou… Continue reading Why do so many deadly viral outbreaks originate in bats?

WHO finally names new coronavirus Covid-19, as death toll crosses 1000

The novel coronavirus spreading across the globe now has an official name. The World Health Organization (WHO) revealed today it has labeled the virus Covid-19 as the situation continues to spread, with over 43,000 cases currently confirmed and over 1,… Continue reading WHO finally names new coronavirus Covid-19, as death toll crosses 1000

Low-cost device utilizes a smartphone to count viruses

In order to see how many viruses are present in a patient’s biological fluid sample, bulky and costly devices such as fluorescence microscopes are typically used – not a good solution for developing nations or remote locations. That’s why sci… Continue reading Low-cost device utilizes a smartphone to count viruses

Deadly rinderpest virus samples destroyed to prevent future outbreaks

The Pirbright Institute has revealed that on June 14, 2019, it destroyed the largest remaining stock of rinderpest virus on the face of the Earth. The destruction of one of a handful of laboratory samples of the deadly cattle virus was carrie… Continue reading Deadly rinderpest virus samples destroyed to prevent future outbreaks