Why is Norton Safe Web flagging my site as dangerous when it reports on PHP files/urls that don’t exist?

I’m in a bit of a quandary over Norton Safe Web’s rating of my company’s website.

My question is: is it possible for someone to fool Norton Safe Web into thinking that our website has PHP files which don’t exist? Could there be some sort … Continue reading Why is Norton Safe Web flagging my site as dangerous when it reports on PHP files/urls that don’t exist?

Somebody is spoofing my email to send spam messages, and I have no idea how to block

Someone is using my Google Apps Email ID to send spam messages and I’ve received 2000+ undelivered and autorespond emails.

I have no idea how to block this because the spammer is also using my email as reply-to email.

If yo… Continue reading Somebody is spoofing my email to send spam messages, and I have no idea how to block

Can someone send a text to a phone and make it appear on another person’s phone text message?

A friend said her husband was sleeping on the couch, and she got a text that appeared to come from his phone, but he didn’t send the text. Is this possible to do, and, how can she trace the origin?

The text that she got on … Continue reading Can someone send a text to a phone and make it appear on another person’s phone text message?

Can someone send a text to a phone and make it appear on another person’s phone text message?

A friend said her husband was sleeping on the couch, and she got a text that appeared to come from his phone, but he didn’t send the text. Is this possible to do, and, how can she trace the origin?

The text that she got on … Continue reading Can someone send a text to a phone and make it appear on another person’s phone text message?

How does Google Analytics prevent fake data attacks against an entity’s traffic?

In order to register a “hit” on Google Analytics, the list of things required are:

Unique API key(s) for Google AnalyticsPublic: can be gotten from the embedded JavaScript files on the pages for tracking.
HTTP requests that seem to origi… Continue reading How does Google Analytics prevent fake data attacks against an entity’s traffic?

Can you force your PC or device to use only DNSSec-verified lookup results?

Okay, I’ll admit something first-off: I don’t really understand some of the practical aspects of how DNSSec protections work very well.(Even after reading resources like this.)

Well, I certainly understand why anti-spoofing … Continue reading Can you force your PC or device to use only DNSSec-verified lookup results?