Dealing with a fraudulent email that went to vendors

Recently a business I’m working with had an email that was sent to some vendors of theirs using emails that were remarkably similar to their own emails. The attackers used letter substitution to mimic the business’s domain (e.g. — notice the use of “r” and “n” to imitate an “m”).

Luckily, the vendors contacted by these people were diligent enough to catch the mismatched email addresses. However, I’m concerned that similar attacks will hit other vendors of our that might not have the same protocols in place.

Aside from contacting every one of vendors, is there anything the business can do on their end to mitigate these attacks? Or are they reliant on vendors being diligent with double-checking their contacts?

Continue reading Dealing with a fraudulent email that went to vendors

How to prevent ICMP redirection produced by a man-in-the-middle

How can I prevent my route to be redirected with redirecting ICMP packets from a man-in-the-middle?

I am specifically looking to avoid someone using ettercap with the -M icmp option. From man ettercap:

 icmp (MAC/IP)
                     This attack  implements  ICMP  redirection.  It  sends  a
                     spoofed  icmp  redirect  message  to the hosts in the lan
                     pretending to be a better route for internet. All connec‐
                     tions  to  internet  will  be  redirected to the attacker
                     which, in turn, will forward them to  the  real  gateway.
                     The  resulting  attack  is  a  HALF-DUPLEX mitm. Only the
                     client is redirected, since the gateway will  not  accept
                     redirect  messages  for  a directly connected network. BE
                     you  can  use  a filter to modify packets, but the length
                     must be the  same  since  the  tcp  sequences  cannot  be
                     updated in both ways.
                     You  have  to pass as argument the MAC and the IP address
                     of the real gateway for the lan.
                     Obviously you have to be able to sniff all  the  traffic.
                     If  you  are on a switch you have to use a different mitm
                     attack such as arp poisoning.

Continue reading How to prevent ICMP redirection produced by a man-in-the-middle

Fail of the Week: Pinewood Derby Cheat Fails Two Ways

Would you use your tech prowess to cheat at the Pinewood Derby? When your kid brings home that minimalist kit and expects you to help engineer a car that can beat all the others in the gravity-powered race, the temptation is there. But luckily, there are some events that don’t include the kiddies and the need for parents to assume the proper moral posture. When the whole point of the Pinewood Derby is to cheat, then you pull out all the stops, and you might try building an electrodynamic suspension hoverboard car.

Fortunately for [ch00ftech], the team-building Derby sponsored by …read more

Continue reading Fail of the Week: Pinewood Derby Cheat Fails Two Ways