“Super melanin” cream can protect skin from sun damage and heal wounds

Researchers have created a cream containing a souped-up, synthetic version of the free-radical-removing melanin we produce naturally to protect skin from sun damage and accelerate the healing of existing damage. They see it being added to sunscreens an… Continue reading “Super melanin” cream can protect skin from sun damage and heal wounds

Magnetic gel triples rate of wound healing by exercising skin cells

The chronic skin ulcers that diabetics often develop on their feet are notoriously slow to heal, sometimes to the point that they become seriously infected and require foot amputation. A new magnetic gel could help keep that from happening, as it repor… Continue reading Magnetic gel triples rate of wound healing by exercising skin cells

Breakthrough human-like bioprinted skin heals wounds better, faster

For the first time, scientists have combined the six primary skin cell types with specialized hydrogels to ‘print’ a thick, multilayered skin that, when transplanted, successfully integrated with surrounding tissue to heal wounds faster and with less s… Continue reading Breakthrough human-like bioprinted skin heals wounds better, faster

Finger-worn device designed to objectively quantify itchiness

While it’s important for dermatologists to know just how itchy a person’s skin is, patients’ self-assessments tend to be quite subjective. A new wearable sensor could help, by objectively measuring the frequency and intensity of its user’s scratching s… Continue reading Finger-worn device designed to objectively quantify itchiness

The most effective treatments for eczema according to science

Researchers have analyzed available topical and systemic treatments for eczema and identified the ones that are most effective. They say their findings present a full range of treatment options to inform the optimal management of this common chronic sk… Continue reading The most effective treatments for eczema according to science

Nanoparticles and novel drug combine in breakthrough acne treatment

For the estimated 800 million people worldwide – and 45 million in the US alone – battling personal wars with acne, a new, broadly successful mode of treatment would have a profound impact on quality of life.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Unive… Continue reading Nanoparticles and novel drug combine in breakthrough acne treatment

Microneedle patch teams up with ultrasound to kill acne bacteria

A novel microneedle patch may bring new hope to people who struggle to keep their acne under control. Instead of utilizing antibiotics, the device releases nanoparticles that kill acne-causing bacteria when triggered by exposure to ultrasound.Continue … Continue reading Microneedle patch teams up with ultrasound to kill acne bacteria

Painless patch uses ultrasound to deliver drugs through the skin

MIT scientists have developed a new wearable patch that can deliver drugs through the skin more efficiently and painlessly. The device uses pulses of ultrasound to pry open the skin, which could improve topical medications or even tattoos.Continue Read… Continue reading Painless patch uses ultrasound to deliver drugs through the skin