V2M tech is designed to catch car problems – by listening for them

While there are some mechanical problems that can easily be detected by a car’s onboard sensors, there are others which are a bit trickier. The V2M system is designed to catch those other ones, by listening for them using onboard modules.Continue Readi… Continue reading V2M tech is designed to catch car problems – by listening for them

Phase Change Materials for Flexible and Strong Robots

Top left of image shows a picture of a purplish-grey sea cucumber. Above the cucumber is the word "bio-inspiration." Arrows come from the cucumber to anthropomorphized cartoons of it saying "rigid" at the top with a cartoon sea cucumber standing straight up with spikes and the arrow captioned "soft" pointing down showing a crawling sea cucumber that looks more like a slug. To the right of the cucumber images is a set of three images stacked top to bottom. The top image is of a silver sphere with a zoomed-in atomic diagram with aligned magnetic poles next to it saying "solid state." The middle image shows arrows going up and down next to a snowflake and an artistic rendering of magnetic fields labeled "transition." The bottom image of this section shows a reddish sphere next to a zoomed-in atomic diagram where the magnetic poles are not aligned labeled "liquid state."

Shape shifters have long been the stuff of speculative fiction, but researchers in China have developed a magnetoactive phase transitional matter (MPTM) that makes Odo slipping through an air vent …read more Continue reading Phase Change Materials for Flexible and Strong Robots

Hangar Connect claims title of “world’s smallest bike stand”

The Hangar Connect sells for US$225

While bicycle repair stands certainly come in handy, they can be rather awkward to bring on road trips, or to set up in small apartments. The Hangar Connect offers a more compact alternative, as it simply gets clamped onto whatever’s at hand.

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