Robust Water-Rocket Launcher Gets the Engineering Just Right

Normally when we run across a project that claims to be overengineered, we admit that we get a little excited. Such projects always hold the potential for entertainingly over-the-top designs, materials, and methods. In this case, though, we’ll respectfully disagree with [Zach Hipps] assessment of his remote-controlled soda bottle rocket …read more

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Scratching That Itch

I did something silly. I bought a lot of ten “broken” cheesy indoor quadcopters on eBay — to hopefully cobble one working one together and to amuse my son. At this point, I’ve got eight working. The bad news is that they all come with dirt-cheap transmitters that aren’t really …read more

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ESP8266 Does RC Without the Transmitter

While the cost of a hobby-grade remote control transmitter has dropped significantly over the last decade or so, even the basic models are still relatively expensive. It’s not such a big deal if you only need to get one for personal use, but for a school to outfit a classroom’s …read more

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Wooden Tank’s Movement Hinges on Hinges

When we first looked at this tank, we thought it was pretty cool. The sides are unpainted 1/2″ (12mm) plywood, so it is not flashy. The dimensions came from Google-fu-ing the heck out of the WWII Hetzer and scaling them to 1:6. What knocks our socks off is how much …read more

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Building a YouTube Remote Control Worthy of 2020

Back in 2018, [Gryo] built a remote control specifically for watching YouTube videos on his computer. It worked perfectly, but it didn’t quite fit the expectation one has for a modern media remote — it was a bit chunky, the buttons weren’t very responsive, and it didn’t feel as nice …read more

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Sampling robot lets clinicians keep their distance from patients

Even if they’re wearing face shields and masks, healthcare workers can still understandably be quite leery of getting up close and personal with patients who may have COVID-19. That’s where a new robotic system comes in, as it lets clinicians take samp… Continue reading Sampling robot lets clinicians keep their distance from patients

The Open Source Mars Rover, One Year Later

As the name implies, here at Hackaday we strive to bring you interesting projects every single day. But that doesn’t necessarily mean a project only gets one day to grace these storied pages. Quite the opposite, in fact. We’re always happy to revisit a project and find out how far …read more

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Solo Cinebot system designed for tele-operated video production

Although the showbiz industry still is centralized in places like Hollywood, it’s becoming less and less so as technology advances. That’s where Solo Cinebot comes in, as it’s a robotic camera system that can be operated over the internet.Continue Read… Continue reading Solo Cinebot system designed for tele-operated video production

Unpatched Wi-Fi Extender Opens Home Networks to Remote Control

The Homeplug device, from Tenda, suffers from web server bugs as well as a DoS flaw. Continue reading Unpatched Wi-Fi Extender Opens Home Networks to Remote Control