Polymer compound shows promise as cheap, light radiation shielding

Scientists at North Carolina State University (NCSU) have been working on a new polymer that could be the basis for lighter, cheaper and more environmentally friendly radiation shielding. Led by Da Cao, the team introduced bismuth trioxide particles in… Continue reading Polymer compound shows promise as cheap, light radiation shielding

Schizophrenia drug points to improved brain cancer radiation therapy

Promising new research from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), suggests an old schizophrenia drug could significantly enhance the efficacy of radiation treatment for one of the deadliest forms of brain cancer.Continue ReadingCategory: Me… Continue reading Schizophrenia drug points to improved brain cancer radiation therapy

On 5G And The Fear Of Radiation

The world around us is a scary place, with a lot of visible and invisible dangers. Some of those invisible dangers are pretty obvious, such as that of an electrical shock from exposed wiring. Some are less obvious, for example the dangers of UV radiation to one’s skin and eyes …read more

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Blinding solar storms could be the cause of whale strandings

Grey whales may be “blinded” by solar storms, according to a new study published in the journal Current Biology. The solar activity interferes with the whales’ internal magnetic navigation system, causing them to become stranded on the shore, often res… Continue reading Blinding solar storms could be the cause of whale strandings

Rusty radiation shielding provides lighter and less bulky protection

Rust may be generally unwelcome, but scientists at North Carolina State University are using it to develop a new radiation shielding that is lighter and cheaper than conventional materials. Aimed at protecting delicate electronics in space and other ho… Continue reading Rusty radiation shielding provides lighter and less bulky protection

Roll the Bones Chernobyl Style

We’re suckers for the Fallout aesthetic, so anything with a post-apocalyptic vibe is sure to get our attention. With a mid-century look, Nixie tubes, a brushed metal faceplate, and just a touch of radioactivity, this quantum random number generator pushes a lot of design buttons, and it pushes them hard. …read more

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OrbitsEdge partners with HPE on orbital datacenter computing and analytics

What kinds of businesses might be able to operate in space? Well datacenter are one potential target you might not have thought of. Space provides an interesting environment for datacenter operations, including advanced analytics operations and even artificial intelligence, due in part to the excellent cooling conditions and reasonable access to renewable power supply (solar). […] Continue reading OrbitsEdge partners with HPE on orbital datacenter computing and analytics